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paolucci massimo; sacile roberto - agent-based manufacturing and control systems

Agent-Based Manufacturing and Control Systems New Agile Manufacturing Solutions for Achieving Peak Performance


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Lingua: Inglese

CRC Press

Pubblicazione: 10/2004
Edizione: 1° edizione


This title outlines when agent-based systems are appropriate, enumerates techniques to decompose a problem into entities that can be modeled as agents, provides a step-by-step guide to implementation, and offers hints for using simulation to design the system. Practical, applicative, and thoroughly modern, this text provides all the tools necessary for implementing an extremely flexible, robust, adaptive, and fault-tolerant manufacturing system. This is the perfect reference for AI researchers, industrial manufacturing engineers, operations researchers, and plant managers who wish to develop the most efficient manufacturing systems available.

Note Editore

Traditional manufacturing systems rely upon centralized, hierarchical systems that are not responsive enough to the increasing demand for mass customization. Decentralized, or heterarchical, management systems using autonomous agents promise to nullify the limitations of previous solutions. Agent-Based Manufacturing and Control Systems: New Agile Manufacturing Solutions for Achieving Peak Performance offers a survey of both the literature and the practical applications of this technology. Using a realistic example of a fictitious firm throughout, the book indicates when agent-based systems are appropriate, enumerates techniques to decompose a problem into entities that can be modeled as agents, provides a step-by-step guide to implementation, and offers hints for using simulation to design the system. The authors pay particular attention to object-oriented techniques and to the selection of appropriate tools and inter-agent communication standards, with specific reference to JADE middleware and FIPA framework.Practical, applicative, and thoroughly modern, this text provides all the tools necessary for implementing an extremely flexible, robust, adaptive, and fault-tolerant manufacturing system. This is the perfect reference for AI researchers, industrial manufacturing engineers, operations researchers, and plant managers who wish to develop the most efficient manufacturing systems available.


AGENT TECHNOLOGY IN MODERN PRODUCTION SYSTEMSIntroductionAgents and Multiagent SystemsFrom Agent Technology to Manufacturing PracticeBook Motivations and Purposes ReferencesISSUES IN DESIGNING AGENT-BASED MANUFACTURING SYSTEMSIntroduction Agent System EngineeringIssues in Designing Agent-Based Manufacturing Systems at PS-BikesConclusionsReferencesAGENTS FOR PLANNING, SCHEDULING, AND CONTROLIntroduction Focusing on Planning, Scheduling, and Control Activities in Manufacturing Planning, Scheduling, and Control in Manufacturing from an Integrated Perspective Basic Concepts in Production Planning Basic Concepts in Production SchedulingBasic Concepts in Production ControlAgent-Based Applications in Manufacturing Planning and SchedulingAgent-Based Applications for Scheduling and Control in ManufacturingPlanning, Scheduling, and Control In PS-BikesConclusionsReferencesAGENT-BASED SIMULATION Manuel Gentile, Massimo Paolucci, and Roberto SacileIntroductionModeling and Simulating in ManufacturingMultiagent-Based SimulationPlatforms to Support Multiagent-Based Simulation DevelopmentAn Application of MABS in PS-BikesConclusionsReferencesAGENT SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION Massimo Cossentino and Luca SabatucciIntroductionA Case Study: Designing the PS-Bikes SystemDesigning the Solution with PASSIAgent ImplementationReferencesPAST SUCCESSESIntroductionTwo Outstanding Supply Chain-Oriented MAS Applications in ManufacturingSuccessful MAS Applications in Manufacturing Planning and SchedulingSuccessful MAS Applications in Manufacturing Scheduling and ControlPractical Working Industrial ApplicationsConclusionsReferencesFUTURE CHALLENGESIntroductionNext Generation e-Manufacturing SolutionsWhat Must Be Refined in Agent-Based ManufacturingWhat Has Yet to Be Done in Agent-Based ManufacturingPS-Bikes and Its Challenging "Agentification" Process to Achieve AgilityConclusionsReferences


Massimo Paolucci, Roberto Sacile

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Condizione: Nuovo
Dimensioni: 9.25 x 6.25 in Ø 1.20 lb
Formato: Copertina rigida
Illustration Notes:67 b/w images, 5 tables and 1 equations
Pagine Arabe: 288

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