Keynote lectures Considerations on future emerging technologies in the ocean energy sector D. Magagna, L. Margheritini, A. Moro & P. Schild Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) for renewable energies offshore P.K. Stansby Modelling tidal currents How to correctly measure turbulent upstream flow for marine current turbine performances evaluation? B. Gaurier, G. Germain & G. Pinon Marine current energy in Eastern Australia: Evolution of currents and mesoscale anticyclonic eddies B. O’Callaghan, A. Chabchoub & T. Waseda Depth average tidal resource assessment considering an open channel flow L.M. Flores Mateos & M. Hartnett Monitoring tidal currents with a towed ADCP at tidal energy site in Alderney Race (Raz Blanchard) M. Thiebaut, A. Sentchev & P. Bailly du Bois Modelling waves Assessment of the wave spectral characteristics in the Portuguese test zone C. Lucas, D. Silva & C. Guedes Soares Wave energy resource assessment: A comparative study for two coastal areas in Japan K. Sasmal, A. Webb, T. Waseda & S. Miyajima Wave energy farm performance and availability as functions of weather windows M. Goteman, J. Mathew, J. Engstrom, V. Castellucci, M. Giassi & R. Waters Prediction of short-term wind and wave conditions using Adaptive Network-based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) for marine operations M. Wu, C. Stefanakos & Z. Gao Methodology for evaluating the economic pay-off of a more powerful wave energy resource O. Roberts, H. Jeffrey & P. Ruiz-Minguela Wave height error estimation with the triple collocation method for the Canary Islands R.B. Fonseca, M. Goncalves & C. Guedes Soares Performance evaluation of various wave energy converters along the western side of Indian EEZ R. Patel, G. Nagababu, B.A. Srinivas, S. Singh Kachhwaha, M. Seemanth, S.V.V. Arun Kumar & S. Aich Bhowmick Validation of wave breaking in intermediate water wave groups for HOS-NWT with laboratory experiments S.A. Hasan, V. Sriram & R. Panneer Selvam Tidal energy devices (Design) Effects of blockage and freestream turbulence intensity on tidal rotor design and performance B. Cao, R.H.J. Willden & C.R. Vogel Blade-resolved CFD analysis and validation of blockage correction methods for tidal turbines G. Tampier Brockhaus & F. Zilic de Arcos Wake characterisation of an undulating membrane tidal energy converter M. Trasch, A. Deporte, J.-B. Drevet, B. Gaurier & G. Germain Design and optimization of a marine current turbine: Effects of pitch angle and twist distribution T. Karthikeyan & A. Samad Tidal energy devices (Applications) Comparison of twin-basin lagoon systems against conventional tidal power plant designs A. Angeloudis, N. Hawkins, S.C. Kramer & M.D. Piggott Implementation of tidal energy convertor in low current area C.H. Jo, S.J. Hwang, J.C.K. Tong & J.C.L. Chan Concept development for deployment of a modular, floating, tidal-stream device E.J. Ransley, S. Brown, N. Xie, D. Greaves, R. Nicholls-Lee, L. Johanning, P. Weston & E. Guerrini Simulation of a horizontal axis tidal turbine for direct driven reverse-osmosis desalination F. Greco & A. Jarquin-Laguna Tidal energy devices (Experiments) Experimental investigation of a novel tidal supercharger driven by tidal energy for reverse osmosis seawater desalination C. Ling, X. Lou, J. Li & Y. Zhang Towing tank testing of a controlled-circulation Darrieus turbine L. Chatellier, J.M.R. Gorle, F. Pons & M. Ba Wave tank experiments of a floating, tidal-stream energy device N. Xie, E.J. Ransley, S. Brown, D. Greaves, R. Nicholls-Lee, L. Johanning, P. Weston & E. Guerrini Computational analysis and experimental verification of a boundary integral equation model for tidal turbines Z. Sarichloo, F. Salvatore, F. Di Felice, M. Costanzo, R. Starzmann & C. Frost Tidal energy arrays Unsteady loading in a tidal array due to simulated turbulent onset flow H. Mullings & T. Stallard Numerically modelling spatial distribution of O&M costs for tidal platforms J. McDowell, P. Jeffcoate, T. Bruce & L. Johanning Axial-flow hydrokinetic turbine array: Optimization and performance prediction L. Sharma & D. Chatterjee Competition effects between nearby tidal turbine arrays—optimal design for Alderney Race Z.L. Goss, M.D. Piggott, S.C. Kramer, A. Avdis, A. Angeloudis & C.J. Cotter Wave energy devices (Point absorber) OES Task 10 WEC heaving sphere performance modelling verification K. Nielsen, F. Wendt, Y.-H. Yu, K. Ruehl, I. Touzon, B.W. Nam, J.S. Kim, K.-H. Kim, S. Crowley, W. Sheng, A. Kurniawan, D. Ogden, S. Girardin, A. Babarit, R. Costello, S. Giorgi, A. Roy, H. Bingham, R. Read, M.M. Kramer & S. Thomas Hydrodynamic analysis of different geometries of a wave energy absorber buoy M.N. Berenjkoob, M. Ghiasi & C. Guedes Soares Wave diffraction by a floating fixed truncated vertical cylinder based on Boussinesq equations S.C. Mohapatra, H. Islam & C. Guedes Soares Numerical study on nonlinear hydrodynamic performance of a heaving buoy type wave energy converter under nonlinear wave condition S.J. Kim, W. Koo & M.J. Shin Wave energy devices (Multibody) Optimal wave energy converter geometry for different modes of motion A. Garcia-Teruel & D.I.M. Forehand Semi-submersible platform concept for a concentric array of wave energy converters J.F. Gaspar, T.S. Hallak & C. Guedes Soares Hydrodynamics of a new two body wave energy converter in the frequency domain M. Kamarlouei & C. Guedes Soares Moored multi-float WEC M4 and hybrid with wind: Experiments and modelling P.K. Stansby, E. Carpintero Moreno & T. Stallard Wave energy devices (Applications) Initial development of a generic method for analysis of flexible membrane wave energy converters A. McDonald, Q. Xiao, D.I.M. Forehand, H. Smith & R. Costello Verification of a boundary element model for wave forces on structures with porous elements E.B.L. Mackay, A. Feichtner, R.E. Smith, P.R. Thies & L. Johanning Passivity preserving moment-based finite-order hydrodynamic model identification for wave energy applications N. Faedo, Y. Pena-Sanchez & J.V. Ringwood Conceptual design of compliant mechanical wave energy converter S. Chandrasekaran, V.V.S. Sricharan & S. Joseph Wave energy devices (Control) A review of fault tolerant design in wave energy converters M. Kamarlouei, J.F. Gaspar, C. Guedes Soares, B.F. Cruz & M.J.G.C. Mendes A reduced wave-to-wire model for controller design and power assessment of wave energy converters M. Penalba & J.V. Ringwood Control of a wave energy converter using a multi-agent system and machine learning methods N. Pereira, D. Valerio & P. Beirao Study on the time-variability of hydrodynamic coefficients for wave energy converter heave plates S. Saeidtehrani, B. Butcher, A. Brown & K. Niemeyer Wave energy devices (Experiments) Experimental assessment of a 6-float M4 wave energy converter E. Carpintero Moreno & P.K. Stansby Experimental study of behaviour and efficiency on a backward bent duct buoy H. Diaz, S.A. Sannasiraj & C. Guedes Soares Prototyping and wave tank testing of a floating platform with point absorbers M. Kamarlouei, J.F. Gaspar, M. Calvario, T.S. Hallak, C. Guedes Soares, M.J.G.C. Mendes & F. Thiebaut Wave energy devices (CFD) Simulations of floating wave energy devices using adaptive mesh refinement C. Eskilsson & J. Palm Validation of a CFD-based numerical wave tank of the Wavestar WEC C. Windt, J.V. Ringwood, J. Davidson, E.J. Ransley, M. Jakobsen & M. Kramer Simulation of motions and forces for a generic wave energy converter using RANS CFD I. Pregnan Johannesen & G. Tampier Brockhaus Parametric excitation of moored wave energy converters using viscous and non-viscous CFD simulations J. Palm, L. Bergdahl & C. Eskilsson Wave energy devices (Coastal OWC) Hydrodynamic analysis of a land-based oscillating water column device using fully nonlinear nume