FLIGHT DECK INTERFACESTowards an improved pilot-vehicle interface for highly automated aircraft: Evaluation of the haptic flight control system, P. Schutte, K. Goodrich and R. Williams, USAThe study of optimum cognition on character images for in-vehicle navigation systems, M.-C. Lin, M.-S. Chen and C.-C. Lin, Taiwan, and C. Chang, USA Designing an adaptive flight deck display for trajectory-based operations in NextGen, S. Bruni, A. Chang, A. Carlin, L. Swanson and S. Pratt, USAEnhanced audio for NextGen flight decks, R. Koteskey, S.-C. Wu, V. Battiste, E. Wenzel, J. Lachter, D. Begault, J. Nguyen, M. Politowicz and W. Johnson, USAAviation display dynamics and flight domain in pilot perceptions of display clutter, J. Naylor, D. Kaber, S.-H. Kim, G.-H. Gil and C. Pankok, USAEffectiveness of 3D cockpit displays of weather on pilot performance in NextGen airspace, G. Morales, T. Higham, V. Ho, K.-P. Vu, T. Strybel, V. Battiste, J. Lachter and W. Johnson, USAA user-centered optimization method for helicopter flight instrument panels, C. Alppay and N. Bayazit, TurkeyAIR TRAFFIC CONTROL INTERFACES AND OPERATIONSEvaluation of the terminal area precision scheduling and spacing system for near-term NAS application, J. Thipphavong, L. Martin, H. Swenson, P. Lin and J. Nguyen, USAData-driven evaluation of a flight re-route air traffic management decision-support tool, L. Hall, N. Underhill, Y. Rodriguez and R. DeLaura, USAController-managed spacing within mixed-equipage arrival operations involving flight-deck interval management, C. Cabrall, T. Callantine, M. Kupfer, L. Martin and J. Mercer, USAA preliminary investigation of tower flight data manager safety benefits, A. Alexander and T. Reynolds, USAInitial evaluation of a conflict detection tool in the terminal area, S. Verma, H. Tang, T. Kozon, D. Ballinger and A. Farrahi, USAAir traffic control voice data analysis to validate NexGen procedures, J. Histon, Canada, E. Rantanen and C. Alm, USAComparison of procedures for dual and triple closely spaced parallel runways, S. Verma, S. Subramanian, T. Kozon and D. Ballinger, USAIntegrated management of airport surface and airspace constraints, P. Smith, A. Spencer, M. Evans, A. Fernandes and R. Beatty, USAHUMAN PERFORMANCE IN AVIATIONAssessing the impact of NextGen trajectory based operations on human performance, K. Berry and M. Sawyer, USAImproving multi-tasking ability in a piloting task through action videogames, D. Chiappe, M. Conger, J. Liao, K. Vu and L. Caldwell, USADimensionality effects on weather avoidance, V. Lim, The Netherlands, and W. Johnson, USAQuantifying pilot visual attention in low visibility terminal operations, K. Ellis, R. Bailey, J. Arthur, K. Latorella, L. Kramer, K. Shelton, R. Norman and L. Prinzel, USAAwareness of need for immediate communication predicts situation-awareness and performance in an ATC training course, Z. Roberts, H. Silva, T. Vo, R. Boles, N. Gomes, M. Iwan, L. Sturre, D. Chiappe and T. Strybel, USAExamining pilot compliance to collision avoidance advisories, A. Pritchett, E. Fleming, J. Zoetrum, W. Cleveland, V. Popescu and D. Thakkar, USANighttime offshore helicopter operations – identification of contextual factors relevant to pilot performance, F. A. C. Nascimento, A. Majumdar and W. Y. Ochieng, UKAssessing air traffic control performance in loss of separation incidents: A global review, M.-D. Dupuy and A. Majumdar, UKAUTOMATION AND FUNCTION ALLOCATIONTowards a new methodology for designing dynamic distributed cooperative human-machine systems, F. Tango, Italy, R. Heers and M. Baumann, Germany, C. Ronfle-Nadaud, France, J.-P. Osterloh and A. Luedtke, GermanyDataComm in flight deck surface trajectory-based operations, D. Bakowski, D. Foyle, B. Hooey, G. Meyer and C. Wolter, USA An initial investigation of the impact of operator-automation goal divergence in the tower, L. Strater, J. Holbrook, T. Beard, H. Cuevas and M. Endsley, USAVarying levels of automation on UAS operator eesponses to traffic resolution advisories in civil airspace, C. Kenny and L. Fern, USAAutomation in ATM: Future directions, F. Nieto and R. Valdés, SpainTHE NEXT GENERATION AIR TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM (NEXTGEN)Innovative flight deck function allocation concepts for NextGen, E. Letsu-Dake, W. Rogers, M. Dorneich and R. DeMers, USAEffectiveness of Training on near-term NextGen air traffic management performance, A. Kiken, T. Strybel, K.-P. Vu and V. Battiste, USAStudent impressions of different air traffic control training methods to introduce NextGen tools, M. Herron, S. Billinghurst, T. Higham, V. Ho, K. Monk, R. O'Connor, T. Strybel and K.-P. Vu, USAStormGen: A proposed solution to weather simulation in NextGen research, J. Kraut, T. Quinonez, S.-C. Wu, R. Koteskey, W. Johnson and V. Battiste, USAHuman factors validation of NextGen technologies and procedures, E. Rantanen, USAWorking towards NextGen in traffic flow management, T. Yuditsky-Mittendorf and B. Brickman, USAExpertise, cognition, and CRM issues in NextGen automation use, K. Mosier, U. Fischer and J. Orasanu, USAMODELINGEnhanced GOMS language (E-GOMSL) tool development for pilot behavior prediction and simulation, G.-H. Gil, D. Kaber an S.-H. Kim, USACRM model to estimate probability of potential collision for aircraft encounters in high density scenarios using stored data tracks, R. Arnaldo, F. Sáez, E. Garcia and Y. Portillo, SpainEvaluation of the big-airspace operational concept through a fast-time human performance computation model, W. Wei, A. Jadhav, D. Ceric and K. Corker, USA Extending validated human performance models to evaluate NextGen concepts, B. Gore, B. Hooey, E. Mahlstedt and D. Foyle, USAModel individualized for real-time operator functional state assessment, G. Zhang, R. Xu, W. Wang, A. Pepe, F. Li, J. Li, F. McKenzie, T. Schnell, N. Anderson and D. Heitkamp, USASAFETY AND ETHICSThe application of a human factors-based safety management model in aviation industry, Y.-L. Hsiao, Taiwan, and C. Drury, USAI did something against all regulations: Critical decision making in critical incidents, K. Plant and N. Stanton, UKEvaluating professional aircrew safety related behaviour in-flight, S. Burdekin, AustraliaHow well are human-related hazards captured by multi-agent dynamic risk modelling? S. Stroeve and H. Blom, The NetherlandsThe safety and ethics of crew meals, I. Barshi and J. Feldman, USANaming of taxiways on a large airport to improve safety through simpler memorization, V. Mollwitz, T. Mühlhausen, H. Többen, J. Jakobi and M. Kreuz, GermanyThe application of Line Operation Safety Assessment (LOSA) and flight data management technologies to general aviation flight training, R. Steckel and M. Patankar, USAAction research and change management system in aviation, M. Leva and N. McDonald, Ireland, P. Ulfvengren, Sweden, and S. Corrigan, IrelandAirline framework for predictive safety performance management, P. Ulfvengren, Sweden, M. Leva and N. McDonald, Ireland, and M. Ydalus, SwedenPower relations and safety in commercial aviation: Professional identity and occupational clashes, M. Papanikou and U. Veersma, UKCOGNITION AND WORKLOADFunctional near infrared spectroscopy: Watching the brain in flight, A. Harrivel and T. Hearn, USAAn integrated experimental platform for the crew workload measurement, D. Dong and S. Fu, ChinaThe relationship between pilots’ manual flying skills and their visual behavior: A flight simulator study using eye tracking, A. Haslbeck, E. Schubert, P. Gontar and K. Bengler, GermanyAir traffic controllers' control strategies in the terminal area under off-nominal conditions, L. Martin, J. Mercer, T. Callantine, M. Kupfer and C. Cabrall, USAEXPERIMENTS AND EVALUATIONAssessing wake vortex hazards using pilot/vehicle analyses, R. Hess, USAAn experimental investigation on air quality inside WindJet aircraft, D. Catalisano, C. Giaconia, C. Grillo and F. Montano, ItalyInitial evaluation of video game technologies for future unmanned air vehicle interfac