Cultural Differences in Computing Systems Design Biometric Symbol Design for the Public - Case Studies in the United States and Four Asian Countries, Y.-Y. Choong, B. Stanton, and M. TheofanosAn Empirical Study of Korean Culture Effects in the Usability of Biometric Symbols, Y.-B. Kwon, Korea, Y. Lee, USA, and Y.-Y. ChoongMake Icons Make Sense: Solving Symbols for Global Audiences, P. HofmannUsability Evaluation on Icons of Fingerprint Scanning System for Taiwanese Users, S.-F. M. Liang, and P.-H. HsuDesign and Evaluate Biometric Device Symbols for Chinese, P.-L. P. Rau and J. LiuInternational Study of NIST Pictograms, Icons and Symbols for Use with Biometric Systems - The Case of South Korea, S.M. Ko, J.K. Choi, and Y.G. YiDecision Making and Decision Support A Cognitive and Holistic Approach to Developing Metrics for Decision Support in Command and Control, D. Lafond, F. Vachon, R. Rousseau, and S. TremblayA Cognitive Systems Engineering Approach to Support Municipal Police Cognition, E. Glantz and M. McNeeseDecision Support for Option Awareness in Complex Emergency Scenarios, M. Pfaff, J. Drury, G. Klein, and L. MoreCognitive Task Analysis for Maritime Collisions, A.L.S. Tan, M. Helander, K. Choo, and S.B. KeeModelling Decision Making in the Armed Forces, L. Rafferty, N. Stanton, and G. WalkerIs Analytical Thinking Useful to Technology Teaching?, R.K. O'Flynn and T. Waldmann Desktop/Mobile Interface Design Ergonomic and Control Rooms: A Case Study of a Hydroelectric Enterprise, C. Vasconcelos and M. SoaresRelation Between Kawaii Feeling and Biological Signals, M. Ohkura, S. Goto, A. Higo, and T. AotoImpact Factors of Three-Dimensional Interface, Y.-C. Huang, C.-C. Su, F.-G. Wu, and C.-H. ChenHelping the User Fail: Ergonomic Modalities and Distraction, M. Hancock, K. Wood, M. Rowthorn, B. Badger, A. Abouzahr, A. Woods, C.-A. Sturt, K. Koudijs, M. Kinkey, R. Greveson, R. Myers, S. Wheeter, and W. Brasher Workload-Based Evaluation of Supervisory Control Interfaces for Life Science Automation, S.-H. Kim,R. Green,D. Kaber,M. Weippert,D. Arndt,R. Stoll,and P. MosalyThe Elder's Discrimination of Icons with Color Discrimination on the Cell Phone, J.-Y. Kuo and F.-G. WuUtilizing the Keyboard to Issue Commands: Do Self-Efficacy, Goal Orientation, and Computer Anxiety Impact Usage of Efficient Techniques with Software?, S. Peres, J. Jardina, and C. TitusA Study of How Users Customize Their Mobile Phones, W.-J. Chen and L.-C. ChenErgonomics in Design Ergonomics for Elderly People: A Brazilian Case Study in Mass Public Transport, J. Câmara and L. FiuzaErgodesign: A Systemic and Systematic Approach: How the Task Activities Determine the Product Conception and Configuration, A. de MoraesLight, Colour and Surface as Ergonomics Aspects in Space Recognition and Urban Orientation: Azulejo’s (glazed tiles) as Paradigm, C. LoboAccessibility and Inclusion: The Case Study of the Faculty of Architecture of Lisbon, F. M. Da SilvaSigns Systems for Touristic Information, J. Neves and F. M. da Silva The Importance of Sustainability in the Communication Design Practice, M. Cadarso and F. M. da SilvaDeveloping a Sustainable System for Attending the Basic Needs of the Brazilian Population in the Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP), L. GuimaraesErgonomic Pattern Mapping – A New Method for Participatory Design Processes in the Workplace, M. Santos, M. Vidal and P. CarvalhoPrinciple Driven Design: Ergonomic Requirements of Multimedia as the Main Driver in the Development of a Tool for Prevention in Occupational Health and Safety, D. CoelhoErgonomics in Product Design Usability Evaluation of Different Door Handles, L. C. Paschoarelli and R. SantosThe Uses and Manufacture of Wheelchairs – An Emotional Approach, P. Costa and F. M. Moreira da SilvaErgonomic Design of Diagnostic Ultrasound Transducer: Analysis, Redesign/Modeling, Simulation/Assessment and Product, L. C. Paschoarelli, H. G. Coury, A. B. Oliveira and J. C. P. SilvaUsability: Timeline and Emotions, A. Neves and M. OkimotoUsability of the Industrial Firing: An Anthropometric Analysis of the Traditional and the Smart System, A. Calado and M. SoaresThe Effects of Explicit Alternative Generation Techniques in Consumer Product Design, F. Campos, M. Soares, W. Correia, R. Ferreira, E. Melo, and A. CorreiaThe Safety of Consumer Products Under the Perspective of Usability: Assessment of Case Studies Involving Accidents with Users in Recife, Brazil, W. Correia, M. Soares, M. Barros, F. Campos, and V. GallindoHuman Factors in Aviation Systems Through the Looking Glass: Reflecting Upon the Acquisition of Expertise, R. McIlroy, N. Stanton, and B. RemingtonCognitive Ergonomics: The Adaptation of the Brazilian Pilots to the Aircraft F-5EM, H. Montandon, M. da Silveira Luz, and S. L. de Oliveira RibeiroDesigning Efficient Trajectory Clearance Information Format on Air Traffic Controller's Display, M. Hiyashi and R. LanterLearning to Monitor Aircraft Datablock with Different Complexity Levels, C. Ling and L. HuaHuman Factors in Driving The Study of Human Haptic Perception for Vehicle Haptic Seat Development, W. Chang, K. Lee, Y. Ji, J. Pyun, and S. KimCognitive Study on Driver’s Behavior by Vehicle Trajectory and Eye Movement in Virtual Environment, H. Aoki, H. Nakayasu,N. Kondo, and T. MiyoshiA Basic Study on Model of Human Behavior by Visual Information Processing Mechanism for Reliability-Based System Design, K. Yamanaka, M. K. Park, and M. KawakamiThe Usability of Data Entry in GPS Navigation Systems, M. Quaresma and A. de MoraesOptical Flow and Road Environments: Implications for Ergonomic Road Design, P. Noriega and J. A. SantosHuman Factors in Manufacturing Using Mobile Information Sources to Increase Productivity and Quality, P. Thorvald,A. Brolin, D. Högberg, and K. CaseSupporting Attention in Manual Assembly and Its Influence on Quality, G. Bäckstrand, A. Brolin, D. Högberg, and K. CaseStudy on Judgment of Visual Similarity of Lumber, N. Teshima, H. Takasuna, and T. MikamiHuman Factors in NextGen Operations Effect of Operator Experience and Automation Strategies on Autonomous Aerial Vehicle Tasks Performance, C. Reynolds, D. Liu, and S. DohertyEffects of Modes of Cockpit Automation on Pilot Performance and Workload in a Next Generation Flight Concept of Operation, G.-H. Gil, K. Kaufmann, S.-H. Kim, and D. KaberPotential Human Factors Issues in NextGen ATM Concepts, L. Martin, C. Cabrall, P. Lee, and K. JobePreliminary Guidelines on Controller's Procedures for Pairing Aircraft for Simultaneous Approaches Under Different Levels of Automation, S. Verma, T. Kozon, and D. BallingerAn Approach to Function Allocation for the Next Generation Air Transport System, S. LandryImpact of Airspace Reconfiguration on Controller Workload and Traffic Performance, P. Lee, N. Smith, T. Prevot, J. Homola, H. Lee, A. Kessell, and C. BrasilInformation Visualization for Situation Awareness The Virtual Camera Concept: A Third Person View, G. Boy, R. Mazzone, and M. ConroyEnhancing Situation Awareness with Visual Aids on Cognitively-Inspired Agent Systems, H.-W. Kim, S. Oh, D. Minotra, M. McNeese, J. Yen, T. Hanratty, L. Strater, H. Cuevas, and D. ColomboEstablishing Trust in Decision-Aiding: The Role of a Visualization of Agent Decision-Space in Operator Engagement with Reduced Cognitive Load, D. Minotra, S. Oh, H.-W. Kim, M. McNeese, J. Yen, T. Hanratty, L. Strater, H. Cueva, and D. ColomboMental Models Are People Able to Develop Cognitive Maps of Virtual Environments While Performing a Wayfinding Task? E. Vilar, F. Rebelo, L. Teixeira, and J. TelesCharacterization of Mental Models in an Inductive Reasoning Task Using Measures of Situation Awareness, T. Zhang and D. KaberAcquisition of Skill Sets and Mental Models Over Time, T. Fincannon, S. Ososky, J. Keebler, and F. JentschPerceptuo-Motor Skills and Psychophysical Assessment Pre-Motor Response Time Benefits in Multi-Modal Displays, J. Merlo and P.A. HancockThe Decision-Making Process for Wayfinding in Clo