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This book is a pioneering exploration of a new form of high-frequency
attenuation chamber that has the potential to revolutionize antenna measurement
techniques. The authors present an innovative concept that leverages the
classical principle of changing the polarization of radio waves, eliminating
the need for traditional non-reflection chambers. By analyzing experimental
results and searching for the optimal shape and composition of a depolarization
panel, this monograph provides valuable insights into creating a non-reflective
environment for accurately measuring the directional properties of antennas.
The book delves into the methodology of frequency analysis, optimization of the
depolarization panel, and the creation of a measuring workplace using this
panel. It highlights the crucial attenuation phenomenon of suppressing
cross-polarization coupling between transmitting and receiving antennas,
enabling antenna measurements in any laboratory environment. With its promising
results and practical applications in antenna technology, this publication
offers a compelling and cutting-edge approach to antenna measurement that will
captivate researchers, engineers, and professionals in the field.
1 Introduction.- 2 Anechoic chamber for radio waves.- 3 Depolarization wool a conductive a conductive lattice.- 4 Standard methods for analyzing antenna parameters.- 5 Technical equipment of antenna laboratory.- 6 Optimalization of the depolarization panel.- 7 Optimatization layout elemnts measurment.- 8 Exploitation methods in antenna technology.- 9 Conclusion.
Martin Krchnák, Ing., PhD.: University studies – Faculty Aeronautics TU Košice (PhD.-2018); 8 – years of experience in the university laboratories for antenna measurements and aircraft radio technology; 5 – years of experience in research and development department of SIL-4 safety integrity level devices for mass transport focused on hardware development, electromagnetic compatibility tests and product manufacturing; He is the author (co-author), university textbooks, university lecture notes, author's certificates (9), patents and discoveries (4), several domestic and foreign original scientific papers in the scientific and professional journals, in Current Contents Connect journals (1), in impacted journals and publications led in the world renowned databases (Thomson Scientific Master Journal List - Web of Science (Web of Science - 2, Scopus - 1), all publication and in proceedings from domestic and foreign scientific conferences fromthe following areas: Very high omnidirectional radio range beacon , Doppler Very high omnidirectional radio range beacon, aircraft radio beacons, receivers and transcievers, research focused on radio reflection and attenuation of construction materials, research and measurements of aircraft radio devices and aircraft antenna prototypes, research and development of new antenna measurement principles and measures.
Marek Ceškovic, Ing., PhD.: University studies – Faculty of Aeronautics of Technical University of Košice (PhD.-2014); 12 – years of experience as a member of research team of the laboratories of Aircraft antenna measurements and Laboratory of Intelligent Control Systems of Aircraft Engines (LIRSLM). Since 2014 works as pedagogue and scientist at the Faculty of Aeronautics of Technical University of Košice. He is the author (co-author) of 2 monographs, 3 university lecture notes, patents and discoveries (3), several domestic and foreign originalscientific papers in the scientific and professional journals, in impact factored Current Contents Connect journals of WoS (10). Solver of several research projects and grant projects.
Pavol Kurdel, Assoc. Prof., Ing., PhD.: received the degree in electronics engineering from the Military Aviation Academy, Košice, Slovakia, in 2000, and the Ph.D. degree in electronics from the Technical University of Košice, in 2011. From 2011 to 2014, he worked as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Avionics, Faculty of Aeronautics, Technical University of Košice, where he was the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Aeronautics, from 2014 to 2017. In 2016, he was an Associate Professor in electronics with the Technical University of Košice, where he has been working
as an Associate Professor, since 2017. He is manager of
quality system management on faculty of Aerospace, Technical University in
Košice, Slovakia. Active collaboration with the university workplaces at home
and abroad He was a member of international projects within the EU, where the
most important was the construction of a research and development facility for
aircraft antenna research. He is scientific interests include electronic
aircraft systems, navigation aviation systems, airport processes, and remote
sensing. He is the author of 130 publications, including monographs, textbooks,
patents, and articles indexed in WoS – Current Contents Connect. Dr. Kurdel was
a member of the Supervisory Board of Košice International Airport, from 2015 to
2017. He was a recipient of the medals and awards from the Minister of Defense
of the Slovak Republic and the Faculty of Aeronautics.
Anton Panda, prof. Ing., PhD.: University studies – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
TU Košice (Ing.-1987); terminated doctoral studies –Faculty of manufacturing
technologies TU Košice (PhD.-2002), associate professor of study branch 5.2.51
manufacturing technologies, FMT TU Košice (assoc. prof.-2008), professor of
study branch 5.2.51 manufacturing technologies, FMT TU Košice (prof.-2015). 29
– years of experience in the engineering company supplying the products for
demanding automotive, also farm and agricultural industry (constructor of
special purpose machinery and equipment, systems analyst, head the department
of development and technical preparation of production, methodist of
statistical methods, commercial and technical director, director of quality).
In the present expertise and design activities in the area of development,
production and verification of rolling bearings, in the area of deposition with
rolling bearings for various domestic and foreign customers. Since 2008 (since
1994 external) operates as pedagogueand
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