1. Detection of Cross-Site Scripting and Phishing Website Vulnerabilities Using Machine Learning.J. Charu, S. Sunil, and C. Aarti 2. A Review: Security and Privacy Defensive Techniques for Cyber Security Using Deep Neural Networks (DNNs).Prachi Chauhan, Hardwari Lal Mandoria, andAlok Negi 3. DNA-Based Cryptosystem for Connected Objects and IoT Security.Brahim Belhorma, Mounir Bouhedda, Billel Bengherbia, and Omar Benzineb 4. A Role of Digital Evidence: Mobile Forensics Data.G. Maria Jones, S. Godfrey Winster, and L. Ancy Geoferla 5. Analysis of Kernel Vulnerabilities Using Machine Learning. Supriya Raheja, Rakesh Garg, andBhavya Gururani 6. Cyber Threat Exploitation and Growth during COVID-19 Times.Romil Rawat, Bhagwati Garg, Vinod Mahor, Mukesh Chouhan, Kiran Pachlasiya, and Shrikant Telang 7. An Overview of the Cybersecurity in Smart Cities in the Modern Digital Age.Reinaldo Padilha França, Ana Carolina Borges Monteiro, Rangel Arthur, and Yuzo Iano 8. The Fundamentals and Potential for Cyber Security of Machine Learning in the Modern World. Ana Carolina Borges Monteiro, Reinaldo Padilha França, Rangel Arthur, and Yuzo Iano 9. Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation of Encryption Algorithms.Rakesh Garg, Supriya Raheja, and Durgesh Pandey 10. Analysis and Investigation of Advanced Malware Forensics.P. S. Apirajitha, S. Punitha, and Stephan Thompson 11. Network Intrusion Detection System Using Naïve Bayes Classification Technique for Anomaly Detection.Sam Goundar,Manveer Singh,Rahul Chand, andAkashdeep Bhardwaj 12. Data Security Analysis in Mobile Cloud Computing for Cyber Security.Sam Goundar andAkashdeep Bhardwaj 13. AComprehensive Review of Investigations of Suspects of Cyber Crimes. Joshua Nehinbe Ojo 14. Fault Analysis Techniques in Lightweight Ciphers for IoT Devices.Priyanka Joshi andBodhisatwa Mazumdar