Preface; 1. The importance of affective development for the emergence of depressive disorder during adolescence Nicholas B. Allen and Lisa B. Sheeber; 2. The daily emotional experience of adolescents: are adolescents more emotional, why, and how is that related to depression? Reed W. Larson and Lisa B. Sheeber; 3. Epidemiology of mood disorders during adolescence: implications for lifetime risk John R. Seeley and Peter M. Lewinsohn; 4. Pubertal development in early adolescence: implications for affective processes Laura M. DeRose and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn; 5. Pubertal and neuroendocrine development and risk for depression Julia A. Graber; 6. Mapping brain maturation and sexual dimorphism in adolescence Tomáš Paus; 7. Neurobiological processes in depressive disorders: links with adolescent brain development Erika E. Forbes, Jennifer S. Silk and Ronald E. Dahl; 8. The development of executive cognitive function and emotion regulation in adolescence Amanda Kesek, Philip David Zelazo and Marc D. Lewis; 9. Cognitive factors in depressive disorders: a developmental perspective Christopher S. Monk and Daniel S. Pine; 10. Empathy and moral emotions Nancy Eisenberg, Amanda Sheffield Morris and Julie Vaughan; 11. Shame, self-criticism, and self-compassion in adolescence Paul Gilbert and Chris Irons; 12. Temperament in early adolescence Ann V. Sanson, Primrose Letcher and Diana Smart; 13. Temperament and risk for mood disorders in adolescents Daniel N. Klein, Lea R. Dougherty, Rebecca S. Laptook and Thomas M. Olino; 14. Familial processes related to affective development Erin C. Hunter, Danielle M. Hessler and Lynn Fainsilber Katz; 15. Adolescent mood disorders and familial processes Martha C. Tompson, James W. McKowen and Joan Rosenbaum Asarnow; 16. The role of peer and romantic relationships in adolescent affective development Wyndol Furman, Christine McDunn and Brennan J. Young; 17. Peer relations, friendships, and romantic relationships: implications for the development and maintenance of depression in adolescents Annette M. La Greca, Joanne Davila and Rebecca Siegel; 18. Towards a developmental psychopathology of adolescent-onset depression: implications for research and intervention Nicholas B. Allen and Lisa B. Sheeber.