The Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, a major project of the British Academy, offers scholars a fully documented listing of all known personal names from the ancient Greek world. It draws on all the available evidence, primarily inscriptions but also literature, papyri, coins, vases and other artefacts; chronologically it ranges from the earliest times (though excluding Mycenean names) to about AD 600. It has benefited from the collaboration of scholars in many countries. It is intended to form the basis of a wide range of historical, philological, and literary research. The present volume, III.B, contains the onomastic material from Central Greece, comprising Phocis, Locris, Doris, Boeotia with Megara, and Thessaly. It continues the series begun with volume I, The Aegean Islands, Cyprus, and Cyrenaica, volume II, Attica, and volume III.A The Peloponnese, Western Greece, Magna Graecia, and Sicily.