Recognizing that education systems have been temporarily paralyzed in the past and likely will in the future—whether it’s because of a natural disaster or apandemic—this important volume offers critical insights about how schools can effectively carry forward the mission of educating all children even in the face of system turbulence and disruption. Featuring Narratives from expert leaders in urban, rural, and suburban school systems, this book explores important questions about the "new normal" such as the ways in which students can and should learn, how educators can teach and lead effectively, and how schools can carry out important functions beyond their instructional mission. Chapters present inspiring stories of leaders and teachers who have rallied, rebuilt, and problem-solved in face of the pandemic and amid adversity, ultimately providing a roadmap for how it’s possible to rebuild and adjust while preserving the fundamental core of education. Full of takeaways and first-hand insights into how systems and their schools faced turbulence, disruption, and adaptation, this book is a must-read for today’s educators committed to making a positive impact on the students they have the duty to serve.