Chapter 1. Palestine in the Nineteenth Century Palestine under the Ottoman Empire The Arabs of Palestine Jews in Nineteenth-Century Palestine The Birth of Modern Zionism The Jewish and Arab Communities of Palestine on the Eve of World War I Chapter 2. Palestine During the Mandate The Hussein–McMahon Correspondence The Sykes–Picot Agreement The Balfour Declaration Postwar Settlement The Mandates Land, Immigration, and White Papers Chapter 3.World War II, Jewish Displaced Persons, and the Partition of Palestine The Holocaust Jewish Resistance to the Holocaust The United States, American Jews, and Palestine to 1945 Palestine After World War II The Displaced Persons and Palestine Postwar British and American Policy The Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry Palestine Before the United Nations UNSCOP Majority Report The United States and the Partition Proposal UNGA Approves the Partition of Palestine Arab and Jewish Response to the UN Partition Resolution Partition in Doubt Chapter 4. The proclamation of Israel and first Arab-Israeli War Israel Declared and the War of 1948 The Palestinian Refugees Israel: A Jewish State The Arabs of Palestine: 1948 Chapter 5. The Conflict Widens: Suez, 1956 The Uncertain Years, 1949–1956 Israel and the Palestinians Israel and the Arab States The Baghdad Pact, 1955 The Suez Crisis Chapter 6. The Turning Point: June 1967 Israel After 1956 The Arab States After 1956 U.S.–Soviet Involvement: The Cold War and the Arms Race Syria, the Palestinians, and the War of 1967 Recapitulation Chapter 7. Holy Days and Holy War: October 1973 The Palestinians and the PLO After 1967 Diplomacy, the War of Attrition, and the Rogers Plan Détente and the Role of the Superpowers Egypt Prepares for War The 1973 War and its Aftermath The Arab Embargo and the Oil Weapon Chapter 8. The Search for Peace, 1973-1979 The Peace Process, 1973–1979 Water and the Arab–Israeli Conflict The Camp David Accords Chapter 9.Lebanon and the intifada Lebanon The Intifada The Superpowers and the Peace Process Chapter 10. The Peace of the Brace The End of the Cold War and the Dissolution of the Soviet Union The Gulf War The Madrid Peace Conference The Road to Peace The September 1993 Israeli–PLO Accord Chapter 11. The Peace Progress The Gaza–Jericho Agreement Between Israel and the PLO Peace Between Jordan and Israel The Road to Oslo II The Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin The Israeli Elections of May 1996 Chapter 12. Collapse of the Peace Process Peace Negotiations Stall Internal Problems in Israel The Wye River Memorandum The Death of King Hussein The Election of Ehud Barak The Sharm al-Sheikh Memorandum The Syrians—and Great Expectations The Talks Continue Lebanon Camp David II The al-Aqsa Intifada and Collapse of the Peace Process The Election Victory of Ariel Sharon Chapter 13. The Arab-Israeli Conflict in the post-9/11 World Sharon Forms a New Coalition Government September 11 and Its Aftermath The Quartet “Road Map†to Peace Sharon’s Unilateral Gaza Withdrawal Plan Controversy over the Security Barrier and Targeted Killings Death of Yasir Arafat: Mahmoud Abbas Elected President of P.A. The Gaza Withdrawal Chapter 14. Perilous Times: 2006-2009 Introduction Sharon Suffers Stroke Palestinian Elections and Hamas Victory Israeli–Hizbullah Conflict, July 2006 Gaza and the Israeli–Palestinian Situation Hamas Gains Control of the Gaza Strip, June 2007 The Annapolis Conference, November 2007 Olmert–Abbas Discussions The Gaza War of 2008–2009 New Directions in U.S. Policy The Goldstone Report Israeli Temporary Settlement Freeze Chapter 15. Dramatic Events: 2010-2013 Introduction Diplomatic Initiatives The Arab Spring and Its Repercussions Political Developments among the Palestinian Factions and in Israel and Egypt The November, 2012 Israel–Gaza Clash Conclusion The Changing Character of the Arab–Israeli Conflict Outstanding Issues in the Conflict - See more at: