Part I – Introductory Framework 1. The Nature and Methodology of UNESCO’s Educational Campaigns for International Understanding, Aigul Kulnazarova and Christian Ydesen 2. Textbook Revision Programme: history, concepts, and assumptions, Falk Pingel Part II – Campaigns for International Understanding and Peace: UNESCO’s challenges and opportunities 3. Battling Minds: conservatives, progressives, and UNESCO in postwar United States, Randle J. Hart 4. UNESCO’s Reeducation Activities in Postwar Japan and Germany: changing minds and shifting attitudes towards peace and international understanding, Aigul Kulnazarova and Poul Duedahl 5. The Role of Science Education in the Nuclear Age: UNESCO’s promotion of "Atoms for Peace" in 1946–1968, Ivan Lind Christensen 6. UNESCO’s Education for Living in a World Community: from teacher seminars to experimental activities, 1947–1963, Elisabeth Teige 7. Advancing International Understanding in Africa: UNESCO and the history of education in Rwanda, Jean-Damascène Gasanabo Part III – UNESCO and the Politics of History Education: local and global discourses 8. History at the Intersection of Human Rights, International Understanding, and Past Memories: UNESCO and textbook revisions in Belgium, 1944–1956, Eva Schandevyl 9. Jaime Torres Bodet, Mexico, and the Struggle over International Understanding and History Writing: the UNESCO experience, Inés Dussel and Christian Ydesen 10. UNESCO and "Better History Textbooks": reflections on public discourse and policy-making in postwar Japan, Aigul Kulnazarova 11. The Historical Confluence of Education for International Understanding and Textbook Revisions in Brazil, 1945–1960, Helena Ribeiro Castro and Christian Ydesen Part IV – UNESCO’s Experiments with Race, Science, and Antiracism 12. Perturbed by "Race": antiracism, science, and education in UNESCO during the global Cold War, Sebastián Gil-Riaño 13. South Africa’s "Strange" Relations with UNESCO: antiracism versus apartheid, Michelle Brattain Part V – UNESCO and International Understanding in a Divided World 14. Debating International Understanding in the Western World: UNESCO and the United States, 1946–1954, Christian Ydesen 15. Debating International Understanding in the Eastern World: UNESCO and the Soviet Union, Aigul Kulnazarova Conclusion