1. Introduction: Conflict for a Continent: Land, Labor, and the State in the Revolutionary American Republic, Andrew Shankman Section I: Movement and Mastery: Eighteenth Century Origins of the Revolutionary Republic 2. Movement of Ideas, Movement of Goods: The British Empire in Theory and Practice, Zara Anishanslin 3. Slavery and the Causes of the American Revolution In Plantation British America, Trevor Burnard 4. Native Nations in the Age of Revolution, Christina Snyder Section II: The Quest for Continental Control 5. Independent for Whom?: Expansion and Conflict in the South and Southwest, Kathleen DuVal 6. Independence for Whom?: Expansion and Conflict in the Northeast and Northwest, Alyssa Mt. Pleasant 7. "Such Things Ought Not to Be:" The American Revolution and the First National Great Depression, Allan Kulikoff 8. Consolidating a Revolutionary Republic, Max M. Edling 9. The Empire of Liberty: Land of the Free, Home of the Slave, Peter Onuf 10. Atlantic Antislavery, American Ambition: The Problem of Slavery in the United States in an Age of Disruption, 1770-1808, James Alexander Dun 11. The War of 1812: The Struggle for a Continent, Alan Taylor 12. The Theory of Civilized Sentiments: Emotion and the Creation of the United States, Nicole Eustace Section III: Internal and External Conflicts: The Emergence of a Continental Hegemon 13. Natural Rights and National Greatness: Economic Ideology and Social Policy in the American States, 1780s-1820s, J.M. Opal 14. Land Conflict and Land Policy in the United States, 1785-1841, Reeve Huston 15. The "High-road to a Slave Empire:" Conflict and the Growth and Expansion of Slavery on the North American Continent, John Craig Hammond 16. Dissenters from the Mainstream: the National and International Dimensions of Moral Reform, Emily Conroy-Krutz 17. The Pendulum Swings: The Rise of an Anti-Slavery Sentiment between the American Revolution and the Civil War, Richard Newman 18. The World the Slaveholders Craved: Proslavery Internationalism in the 1850s, Matthew Karp 29. The Republic in Peril: Expansion, the Politics of Slavery, and the Crisis of the 1850s, Michael A. Morrison