1 New horizons in rural planning Mark Scott, Nick Gallent and Menelaos Gkartzios PART I Concepts and foundations Introduction; 2 Defining rurality and the scope of rural planning Nick Gallent and Menelaos Gkartzios 3 The evolution of rural planning in the Global North Mark B. Lapping and Mark Scott; 4 Rural planning in an emerging economy: India Hemalata Dandekar; 5 Sustainable and resilient ruralities Guy M. Robinson; 6 Production, consumption and protection: the multifunctional transition in rural planning Kathryn I. Frank and Michael Hibbard; 7 Land, property and reform Peter Hetherington; 8 Legal enforcement of spatial and environmental injustice: rural targeting and exploitation Loka Ashwood, Katherine MacTavish and Dalton Richardson; PART II The state and rural governance Introduction 9 Rurality and multi-level governance: marginal rural areas inciting community governance Bettina B. Bock; 10 The neoliberal countryside Matthew Tonts and Julia Horsley; 11 Market-based instruments and rural planning in America Tom Daniels; 12 Community ownership of rural assets: the case of community land trusts Tom Moore; 13 The dark side of community: clientelism, corruption and legitimacy in rural planning Linda Fox-Rogers; PART III Planning for the rural economy Introduction; 14 Revisiting neo-endogenous rural development Menelaos Gkartzios and Philip Lowe; 15 Regional planning and rural development: evidence from the OECD John Tomaney, Tamara Krawchenko and Chris McDonald; 16 Rural planning and the financial crisis Apostolos G. Papadopoulos; 17 Rural innovation and small business development Paul Cowie, Pattanapong Tiwasing, Jeremy Phillipson and Matthew Gorton; 18 The creative class doing business in the countryside: networking to overcome the rural Lise Herslund; 19 Payments for ecosystem services and the rural economy Meri Juntti; 20 Spatial planning and the rural economy Mark Scott; PART IV Social change and planning Introduction; 21 Rural population geographies in the changing differentiated countryside Darren P. Smith, Martin Phillips, Chloe Kinton and Andreas Culora; 22 Housing and sustainable rural communities Nick Gallent and Mark Scott; 23 Second homes, housing consumption and planning responses Chris Paris; 24 Community health planning: rural responses to change Sue Kilpatrick, Stuart Auckland and Jessica Woodroffe; 25 Mobilities, accessibility and social justice Jesús Oliva and Luís Camarero; 26 Art as rural planning inquiry Julie Crawshaw; PART V Planning the inclusive countryside Introduction; 27 Social inclusion, identities and planning practice Madhu Satsangi and Menelaos Gkartzios; 28 Planning the farmyard: gender implications Sally Shortall; 29 Queerying rural planning Petra L. Doan and Daniel P. Hubbard; 30 Planning for an ageing countryside Mark Bevan; PART VI Rural settlement, planning and design Introduction; 31 Rural infrastructures Nick Gallent; 32 Settlement, strategy and planning John Sturzaker; 33 The complementarity of participatory and strategic village planning Michael Murray; 34 Village design and distinctiveness Arthur Parkinson; 35 Conserving rural heritage: the cases of England and Ireland Arthur Parkinson and John Pendlebury; 36 Contours and challenges of rural change in transition economies: the case of China Karita Kan; 37 Planning strategically in light of rural decline: experiences from Denmark Anne Tietjen and Gertrud Jørgensen; PART VII Landscape, amenity and the rural environment Introduction; 38 National parks as countryside management: a twenty-first-century dilemma Jonathan Bell and Aileen Stockdale; 39 Participatory methods for identifying cultural heritage landscapes Michael Drescher, Robert Feick, Christopher DeGeer and Robert Shipley; 40 The future of green belts Laura E. Taylor; 41 Rediscovering the rural–urban fringe: a hybrid opportunity space for rural planning Alister Scott; 42 Integrating green infrastructure within landscape perspectives to planning Ian Mell; 43 Landscape and wellbeing Mike Rogerson, Valerie Gladwell, Jules Pretty and Jo Barton; 44 Rewilding as rural land management: opportunities and constraints Mick Lennon; PART VIII Energy and resources Introduction; 45 Post-carbon ruralities Martin Phillips and Jennifer Dickie; 46 Planning for rural communities and major renewable energy infrastructure Lucy Natarajan; 47 Hydraulic fracturing in rural communities: local realities and resistance Michiel Köhne and Elisabet Dueholm Rasch; 48 Mineral extraction and fragile landscapes Mozart Fazito, Mark Scott and Paula Russell; 49 Food security and planning Andrew Butt; 50 Land grabbing and rural governance in the former Soviet Union Oane Visser and Max Spoor; PART IX Reflections and futures Introduction; 51 Reframing rural planning: multilevel governance to address climate change George C. Homsy and Mildred E. Warner; 52 Rural governance and power structures: strategies for negotiating uneven power between local interests and external actors Amanda McMillan Lequieu and Michael M. Bell; 53 The future of rural places Michael Woods; 54 Planning rural futures Mark Scott, Nick Gallent and Menelaos Gkartzios