Toby Miller: Introduction: Global Popular Culture Part I. THEORIES 1. Vincent Mosco (Queen’s University): Political Economy 2. Anthony Quinn (Dublin Institute of Technology): Theoretically Accounting for Television Formats in the New International Division of Cultural Labour 3. Bob Hodge (University of Western Sydney): Social Semiotics 4. Helen Wood (University of Leicester): Audiences: the Lived Experience of Popular Culture 5. Graeme Turner (University of Queensland): The Media and Democratization 6. Marisol Sandoval (City University of London): Participation (Un)Limited: Social Media and the Prospects of a Common Culture 7. Kelly Gates (University of California, San Diego): Designing Affective Consumers: Emotion Analysis in Market Research 8. Shawn Shimpach (University of Massachusetts, Amherst): The Metrics, Reloaded 9. Dana Polan (New York University): Roland Barthes’s Mythologies: A Breakthrough Contribution to the Study of Mass Culture 10. Alec McHoul (Murdoch University): The Humdrum 11. Jo Littler (City University of London): Celebrity 12. Karin Wilkins (University of Texas, Austin): Celebrities in Global Development 13. Ana María Munar (Copenhagen Business School) and Richard Ek (Lund University): Relationbits: You, Me and the Other 14. Stuart Cunningham and Jon Silver (Queensland University of Technology): Studying Change in Popular Culture: A "Middle-Range" Approach 15. John Hartley (Curtin University): Externalism and Linked Brains: Popular Culture as a Knowledge-Creating Deme Part II. GENRES 16. Scott MacKenzie (Queen’s University): De Do Do Do, De Da Da Dadaism: Popular Culture and the Avant-Garde 17. Maria Pramaggiore (Maynooth University): Privatization is the New Black: Quality Television and the Re-Fashioning of the U.S. Prison Industrial Complex (PRIC) 18. Tiffany Sostar and Rebecca Sullivan (University of Calgary): The Money Shot in Feminist Queer and Mainstream Pornographies 19. Douglas Kellner (University of California, Los Angeles): The Horrors of Slavery and Modes of Representation in Amistad and 12 Years a Slave 20. Michael G. Lacy (City University of New York, Queens): Racial Monsters, Shadows, and Inequalities in Contemporary American Cinema: Black Frankenstein Haunts Racial Neoliberalism in Changing Lanes 21. Paula Requeijo Rey (Universidad Complutense de Madrid): Nonverbal as a Key in Howard Hawks’ Cinema: The Importance of Adaptors in His Girl Friday 22. Kathleen A. McHugh (University of California, Los Angeles): The Labor of Classical Maternal Melodramas 23. Miguel Mera (City University of London): Agitprop Rap?: ‘IllManors’ and the Impotent Indifference of Social Protest 24. Timothy D. Taylor (University of California, Los Angeles): World Music 25. Silvio Waisbord (George Washington University): The Shifting Boundaries of Jazz and/in Popular Culture 26. Anamaria Tamayo Duque (Universidad de Antioquia): Body, Space and Authenticity in Shakira’s Video "My Hips Don’t Lie" 27. Leonarda Garcia-Jimenez (Universidad de Murcia), Miquel Rodrigo Alsina (Universidad de Pompeu Fabra), and Antonio Pineda (Universidad de Sevilla): "We Cannot Live in Our Own Neighborhood": An Approach to the Construction of Intercultural Communication in Television News 28. David Rowe (University of Western Sydney): Online Tabloid Newspapers 29. Jenny Kitzinger (Cardiff University): Media Representation of Science and Health: The Case of Coma 30. Sarah Berry (Portland State University): Mass Movement: Popular Culture and the End of the Corset 31. Geoff Lealand (University of Waikato): Shirley Temple: Child Star 32. Ranjani Mazumdar (Jawaharlal Nehru University): Retro in Contemporary Bombay Cinema Part III. PLACES 33. Robert W. McChesney (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign): The Personal is Political: The Political Economy of Noncommercial Radio Broadcasting in the United States 34. Vicki Mayer (Tulane University): Little Hollywoods: The Cultural Impacts of Runaway Film Production 35. Bruno Campanella (Universidade Federal Fluminense): The Next Ronald Reagan? Celebrity, Social Entrepreneurism, and the Case of Brazilian TV Host Luciano Huck 36. Roy Krøvel (Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences): Solidarity Matters—Global Solidarity, Revolution and Indigenous Peoples in Latin America 37. Talitha Espiritu-Charara (Wheaton College): Performing Native Identities: Human Displays and Indigenous Activism in Marcos’ Philippines 38. Drew P. Cingel and Ellen Wartella (Northwestern University): "Like" it or Not: The Impact of Facebook and Social Networking Sites on Adolescents’ Responses to Peer Influence 39. Jim McKay (University of Queensland) and Brad West (University of South Australia): Gallipoli, Tourism and Australian Nationalism 40. Kate Oakley (University of Leeds): ‘Creativity is for People—Arts for Posh People’: Popular Culture and the UK New Labour Government 41. Natalie Fenton and Des Freedman (Goldsmith’s College, University of London): The Politics and Possibilities of Media Reform: Lessons from the UK 42. Inka Salovaara (Aarhus University): Spaces of Emotions: Technology, Media and Affective Activism 43. Anthony Fung (City University of Hong Kong), John Erni (Hong Kong Baptist University), and Frances Yang: Asian Popular Culture Review 44. Jenine Abboushi (American University of Beirut): Capitals Without Countries: Cairo and Beirut in English 45. Dominic Thomas (University of California, Los Angeles): La Sape: Fashion and Performance 46. Edson Farias (Universidade de Brasília) and Bianca Freire-Medeiros (Getulio Vargas Foundation): "Popular Culture" in a Changing Brazil