Chapter 1: How Do Fathers Influence Children's Development? Let Me Count the Ways (MICHAEL E. LAMB). Chapter 2: Fatherhood and Masculinity (JOSEPH H. PLECK). Chapter 3: Paternal Involvement: Revised Conceptualization and Theoretical Linkages with Child Outcomes (JOSEPH H. PLECK). Chapter 4: The Development and Significance of FatherChild Relationships in Two-Parent Families (MICHAEL E. LAMB AND CHARLIE LEWIS). Chapter 5: Fathers, Marriages, and Families: Revisiting and Updating the Framework for Fathering in Family Context (E. MARK CUMMINGS, CHRISTINE E. MERRILEES, AND MELISSA WARD GEORGE). Chapter 6: Fathers, Children, and Divorce (PAUL R. AMATO AND CASSANDRA DORIUS). Chapter 7: Custody and Parenting Time: Links to Family Relationships and Well-Being After Divorce (WILLIAM V. FABRICIUS, SANFORD L. BRAVER, PRISCILA DIAZ, AND CLORINDA SCHENCK). Chapter 8: Fathers in Fragile Families (MARCIA J. CARLSON AND SARA S. MCLANAHAN). Chapter 9: Stepfathers' Lives: Exploring Social Context and Interpersonal Complexity (WILLIAM MARSIGLIO AND RAMON HINOJOSA). Chapter 10: Fathers From Low-Income Backgrounds: Myths and Evidence (CATHERINE S. TAMIS-LEMONDA AND KAREN E. MCFADDEN). Chapter 11: Gay Fathers (SUSAN GOLOMBOK AND FIONA TASKER). Chapter 12: Fathering in Japan, China, and Korea: Changing Contexts, Images, and Roles (DAVID W. SHWALB, JUN NAKAZAWA, TOSHIYA YAMAMOTO, AND JUNG-HWAN HYUN). Chapter 13: Fathers, Families, and Children's Well-Becoming in (Africa A. BAME NSAMENANG). Chapter 14: Fathers' Roles in Hunter-Gatherer and Other Small-Scale Cultures (BARRY S. HEWLETT AND SHANE J. MACFARLAN). Chapter 15: Fatherhood in the Context of Immigration (RONI STRIER AND DORIT ROER-STRIER). Chapter 16: Including Fathers in Clinical Interventions for Children and Adolescents (VICKY PHARES, ARIZ ROJAS, IDIA B. THURSTON, AND JESSICA C. HANKINSON). Chapter 17: Fathers of Children With Developmental Disabilities (ELAINE E. MACDONALD AND RICHARD P. HASTINGS). Chapter 18: Father Involvement and Public Policies (NATASHA J. CABRERA). Chapter 19: Fathers, Work, and Family Policies in Europe (MARGARET O'BRIEN AND PETER MOSS). Chapter 20: Changing Policies Regarding Separated Fathers in Australia (PATRICK PARKINSON).