Acknowledgements General Introduction Part 1: Classical Texts 1. Jeremiah, 'Cakes for the Queen of Heaven' 2. 'The Hymn to the Mother of the Gods' and 'The Hymn to the Moon' from The Homeric Hymns 3. Isis' Speech from Apuleius Golden Ass 4. Pliny the Elder, 'Mistletoe' 5. Julian the Hellene, 'Letter to a Pagan Priest' 6. 'The Thunder: Perfect Mind' from Nag Hammadi 7. Havamal. Stanzas 1-20 and 138-145 8. Eirík's Saga 9. 'Math Son of Mathonwy' from The Mabinogion 10. Marie Heaney, 'Over Nine Waves' 11. Geoffrey of Monmouth Part 2: Proto-revival Texts 12. 'How Diana Gave Birth to Aradia (Herodias)' 13. Aleister Crowley, The Book of the Law 14. Rudyard Kipling, 'A Tree Song' 15. Kenneth Grahame, 'The Piper at the Gates of Dawn' 16. Margaret Murray, 'Witchcraft' 17. Col C.R.F. Seymour, 'The Old Gods' 18. Robert Graves, 'The Triple Muse' Part 3: Revival and Diversification Texts 19. Gerald Gardner, 'Living Witchcraft' 20. Robert Heinlein, 'Thou art God' 21. Paul Huson, 'Preliminary Preparations' 22. Hans Holzer, 'Isus abd Ishtar: The Comeback of Ancient Cults' 23. Raymond Buckland, 'As It Was: As It Will Be' 24. Doreen Valiente, 'Working with Gerald' and 'Robert Cochrane, Magister' 25. Evan John Jones, 'The Nature of the Rites' 26. June Johns, 'A Magic Childhood' 27. Michael McNierney, 'The Stoic Way of Nature: A Pagan Spiritual Path' 28. Heather O'Dell, 'The Solo Witch' 29. Judy Harrow, 'Initiation by Ordeal: Military Service as a Passage into Adulthood' 30. Tony Kelly, 'Pagan Musings' 31. Asphodel Long, 'The Goddess Movement in Britain Today' 32. Marion Bradley, Initiations in The Mists of Avalon 33. Wren Sidhe, 'Drawing Down the Moon' 34. Chas S. Clifton, 'Nature Religion for Real' 35. Chas S. Clifton, 'What Happened to Western Shamanism' 36. Barry Peterson, Finding your way in the Woods 37. Gordon MacLellan, 'Entertaining Faeries' Further study Index