VOLUME 1 Kant, Kantianism, and Idealism: The Origins of Continental Philosophy Edited by Thomas Nenon, University of Memphis, USA Series Preface * Introduction, Thomas Nenon * 1. Immanuel Kant's Turn to Transcendental Philosophy, Thomas Nenon * 2. Kant's Early Critics: Jacobi, Reinhold, Maimon, Richard Fincham * 3. Johann Gottfried Herder, Sonia Sikka * 4. Play and Irony: Schiller and Schlegel on the Liberating Power of Aesthetics, Daniel Dahlstrom * 5. Fichte and Husserl: Life-world, the Other, and Philosophical Reflection, Robert Williams * 6. Schelling: the Philosopher of Tragic Dissonance, Joseph Lawrence * 7. Schopenhauer on Empirical and Aesthetic Perception and Cognition, Bart Vandenabeele * 8. G. W. F. Hegel, Terry Pinkard * 9. From Hegelian Reason to the Marxist Revolution, 1831-48, Lawrence S. Stepelevich * 10. Saint-Simon, Fourier, and Proudhon: UtopianA" French Socialism, Diane Morgan * Chronology * Bibliography * Index VOLUME 2 Nineteenth-Century Philosophy: Revolutionary Responses to the Existing Order Edited by Alan D. Schrift, Grinnell College, USA and Daniel W. Conway, Texas A & M University, USA Series Preface * Introduction, Daniel W. Conway * 1. Feuerbach and the Left and Right Hegelians, William Clare Roberts * 2. Marx and Marxism, Terrell Carver * 3. SA ren Kierkegaard, Alastair Hannay * 4. Dostoevsky and Russian Philosophy, Evgenia V. Cherkasova * 5. Friedrich Nietzsche, Daniel W. Conway * 6. Hermeneutics: Schleiermacher and Dilthey, Eric Sean Nelson * 7. French Spiritualist Philosophy, F. C. T. Moore * 8. The Emergence of Sociology and its Theories: From Comte to Weber, Alan Sica * 9. Developments in Philosophy of Science and Mathematics, Dale Jacquette * 10. Peirce: Pragmatism and Nature after Hegel, Douglas R. Anderson * 11. Aesthetics and Art History, Gary Shapiro * Chronology * Bibliography * Index VOLUME 3 The New Century: Bergsonism, Phenomenology, and Responses to Modern Science Edited by Keith Ansell-Pearson, University of Warwick, UK and Alan D. Schrift, Grinnell College, USA Series Preface * Introduction, Keith Ansell-Pearson * 1. Henri Bergson, John Mullarkey * 2. Neo-Kantianism in Germany and France, Sebastian Luft and Fabien Capeilleres * 3. The Emergence of French Sociology: Aemile Durheim and Marcel Mauss, Mike Gane * 4. Analytic and Continental Traditions: Frege, Husserl, Carnap, and Heidegger, Michael Friedman and Thomas Ryckman * 5. Edmund Husserl, Thomas Nenon * 6. Max Scheler, Dan Zahavi * 7. The Early Heidegger, Miguel de Beistegui * 8. Karl Jaspers, Leonard H. Ehrlich * 9. Phenomenology at Home and Abroad, Diane Perpich * 10. Early Continental Philosophy of Science, Babette Babich * 11. Ludwig Wittgenstein, John Fennell and Bob Plant * 12. Freud and Continental Philosophy, Adrian Johnston * 13. Responses to Evolution: Spencer's Evolutionism, Bergsonism, and Contemporary Biology, Keith Ansell-Pearson, Paul-Antoine Miquel and Michael Vaughan * Chronology * Bibliography * Index VOLUME 4 Phenomenology: Responses and Developments Edited by Leonard Lawlor, Pennsylvania State University, USA Series Preface * Introduction, Leonard Lawlor * 1. Dialectic, Difference, and the Other: The Hegelianizing of French Phenomenology, John Russon * 2. Existentialism, S. K. Keltner and Samuel J. Julian * 3. Sartre and Phenomenology, William L. McBride * 4. Continental Aesthetics: Phenomenology and Anti-Phenomenology (1930-60), Galen A. Johnson * 5. Merleau- Ponty at the Limits of Phenomenology, Mauro Carbone * 6. The Hermeneutic Transformation of Phenomenology, Danel L. Tate * 7. The Later Heidegger, Dennis Schmidt * 8. Existential Theology, Andreas Grossmann * 9. Religion and Ethics, Felix A" Murchadha * 10. The Philosophy of the Concept, Pierre Cassou-Nogues * 11. Analytic Philosophy and Continental Philosophy: Four Confrontations, Dermot Moran * Chronology * Bibliography * Index VOLUME 5 Critical Theory to Structuralism: Philosophy, Politics, and the Human Sciences Edited by David Ingram, Loyola University, Chicago, USA Series Preface * Introduction, David Ingram * 1. Carl Schmitt and Early Western Marxism, Chris Thornhill * 2. The Origins and Development of the Model of Early Critical Theory in the Work of Max Horkheimer, Erich Fromm, and Herbert Marcuse, John Abromeit * 3. Theodor Adorno, Deborah Cook * 4. Walter Benjamin, James McFarland * 5. Hannah Arendt, Peg Birmingham * 6. Georges Bataille, Peter Tracy Connor * 7. French Marxism in its Heyday, William L. McBride * 8. Black Existentialism, Lewis Gordon * 9. Ferdinand de Saussure and Linguistic Structuralism, Thomas F. Broden * 10. Claude Levi- Strauss, Brian Singer * 11. Jacques Lacan, Ed Pluth * 12. Late Pragmatism, Logical Positivism, and their Aftermath, David Ingram * Chronology * Bibliography * Index VOLUME 6 Poststructuralism and Critical Theory's Second Generation Edited by Alan D. Schrift, Grinnell College, USA Series Preface * Introduction, Alan D. Schrift * 1. French Nietzscheanism, Alan D. Schrift * 2. Louis Althusser, Warren Montag * 3. Michel Foucault, Timothy O'Leary * 4. Gilles Deleuze, Daniel W. Smith * 5. Jacques Derrida, Samir Haddad * 6. Jean- Francois Lyotard, James Williams * 7. Pierre Bourdieu, Derek M. Robbins * 8. Michel Serres, David Bell * 9. Jurgen Habermas, Christopher Zurn * 10. Second Generation Critical Theory, James Swindal * 11. Gadamer, Ricoeur, and the Legacy of Phenomenology, Wayne J. Froman * 12. The Linguistic Turn in Continental Philosophy, Claire Colebrook * 13. Psychoanalysis and Desire, Rosi Braidotti & Alan D. Schrift * 14. Luce Irigaray, Mary Beth Mader * 15. Cixous, Kristeva, and Le Doeuff: Three French Feminists,A" Sara Heinamaa * 16. Deconstruction and the Yale School of Literary Theory, Jeffrey T. Nealon * 17. Rorty Among the Continentals, David Hiley * Chronology * Bibliography * Index VOLUME 7 After Poststructuralism: Transitions and Transformations Edited by Rosi Braidotti, Utrecht University, The Netherlands Series Preface * Introduction, Rosi Braidotti * 1. Postmodernism, Simon Malpas * 2. German Philosophy after 1980: Themes Out of School, Dieter Thoma * 3. The Structuralist Legacy, Patrice Maniglier * 4. Italian Philosophy between 1980 and 1995, Silvia Benso and Brian Schroeder * 5. Continental Philosophy in the Czech Republic, Josef Fulka, Jr. * 6. Third Generation Critical Theory: Benhabib, Fraser, and Honneth, Amy Allen * 7. French and Italian Spinozism, Simon Duffy * 8. Radical Democracy, Lasse Thomassen * 9. Cultural and Postcolonial Studies, Iain Chambers * 10. The Ethical TurnA" in Continental Philosophy in the 1980s, Robert Eaglestone * 11. Feminist Philosophy: Coming of Age, Rosi Braidotti * 12. Continental Philosophy of Religion, Bruce Ellis Benson * 13. The Performative Turn and the Emergence of Post-Analytic Philosophy, Jose Medina * 14. Out of Bounds: Philosophy in an Age of Transition, Judith Butler & Rosi Braidotti * Chronology * Bibliography * Index VOLUME 8 Emerging Trends in Continental Philosophy Edited by Todd May, Clemson University, USA Series Preface * Introduction, Todd May * 1. Rethinking Gender: Judith Butler and Feminist Philosophy, Gayle Salamon * 2. Recent Developments in Aesthetics: Badiou, Ranciere, and their Interlocutors, Gabriel Rockhill * 3. Rethinking Marxism, Emily Zakin * 4. Thinking the Event: Alain Badiou's Philosophy and the Task of Critical Theory, Bruno Bosteels * 5. Rethinking Anglo-American Philosophy: The Neo-Kantianism of Davidson, McDowell, and Brandom, John Fennell * 6. Rethinking Science as Science Studies: Latour, Stengers, Prigogine, Dorothea Olkowski * 7. European Citizenship: A Post-Nationalist Perspective, Rosi Braidotti * 8. Postcolonialism, Postorientalism, Postoccidentalism: The Past That Never Went Away and the Future That Never Arrived, Eduardo Mendieta * 9. Continental Philosophy and the Environment, Jonathan Maskit * 10. Rethinking the New World Order: Responses to Globalization/American Hegemony, Todd May * Chronology * Bibliography * Index