Chapter 1. Introduction to Displacement Studies: Knowledges, Concepts, Practices; Peter Adey, Janet C. Bowstead, Katherine Brickell, Vandana Desai, Mike Dolton, Alasdair Pinkerton, Ayesha Siddiqi.- Section One: Conceptualising Displacement.- Chapter 2. Mobilities and Displacement; Mimi Sheller.- Chapter 3. Political Ecologies of Displacement; Rebecca Elmhirst.- Chapter 4. Displacement Economies: A Relational Approach to Displacement; Amanda Hammar.- Chapter 5. The Slow and the Fast Violence of Displacement; James A. Tyner.- Chapter 6. Assembling Climate Change-Related Displacement; Leonie Tuitjer.- Chapter 7. Affect and Displacement; Mark Griffiths.- Chapter 8. Protection of Displaced Persons and the Rights-Based Approach; Rónán McDermott, Pat Gibbons, and Sinéad McGrath.- Chapter 9. Queering Displacement/The Displacement of Queers; Scott McKinnon.- Chapter 10. Gendered and Feminist Approaches to Displacement; Katherine Brickell and Jessie Speer.- Chapter 11. ‘Race,’ Ethnicity and Forced Displacement; Luisa Feline Freier, Matthew D. Bird, and Soledad Castillo Jara.- Chapter 12. Conceptualising Postcolonial Displacement Beyond Aid and Protection; Jose Jowel Canuday.- Section Two: Technologies of Displacement.- Chapter 13. Intervention: Displacement Aesthetics; Kaya Barry and Pete Adey.- Chapter 14. The Artwashing of Gentrification and Social Cleansing; Stephen Pritchard.- Chapter 15. Taking the Weather with You: Remittances, Translocality, and the Climate Migrant Within; Laurie Parsons.- Chapter 16. Barbed Displacement: Walls to the Disciplined Migrant; Bénédicte Michalon.- Chapter 17. Technologies of Deportation; William Walters.- Chapter 18. Street Technologies of Displacement: Disposable Bodies, Dispossessed Space; Elijah Adiv Edelman.- Chapter 19. Olympic Favela Evictions in Rio de Janeiro: The Consolidation of a Neoliberal Displacement Regime; James Freeman.- Section Three: Journeys of Displacement.- Chapter 20. Intervention: Women’s Narratives from Refugee Camps in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq; Nazand Begikhani.- Chapter 21. Constraints and Transgressions in Journeys of Displacement; Joris Schapendonk and Milena Belloni.- Chapter 22. Migrants’ Displacements at the Internal Frontiers of Europe; Martina Tazzioli.- Chapter 23. Carceral Journeys; Nick Gill and Oriane Simon.- Chapter 24. Precarious Migrations and Maritime Displacement; Vicki Squire and Maurice Stierl.- Chapter 25. Maintaining Health on the Move: Access and Availability for Displaced People; Jennifer Cole.- Section Four: Traces of Displacement.- Chapter 26. Intervention: Disasters and Displacement: When There Is No Time to Stop; Ayesha Siddiqi.- Chapter 27. Antipodean Architectures of Displacement; Anoma Pieris.- Chapter 28. Spiritual Geographies of Displacement and Resilience; Julia Christensen and Veronica Madsen.- Chapter 29. Mapping Trajectories of Displacement; Nishat Awan.- Chapter 30. Uncovering Internally Displaced People in the Global North through Administrative Data: Case Studies of Residential Displacement in the UK; Janet C. Bowstead, Stuart Hodkinson, and Andy Turner.- Section Five: Governing Displacement.- Chapter 31. Intervention: Forensic Oceanography: Tracing Violence within and Against the Mediterranean Frontier’s Aesthetic Regime; Charles Heller and Lorenzo Pezzani.- Chapter 32. Governing the Displaced: Contradictory Constellations of Actors, Ideas, and Strategies; Lama Tawakkol, Ali Bhagat, Sarah Sharma.- Chapter 33. Bureaucracies of Displacement: From Immigrants’ Social and Physical Exclusion to Their Judicial Removal; Cecilia Menjívar and Andrea Gómez Cervantes.- Chapter 34. Police, Bailiffs, and Hired Hands: Researching the Distribution and Dissolution of Eviction Enforcement; Alexander G. Baker.- Chapter 35. Governing the Unwanted: Measuring European Migration Enforcement at Street Level; Lisa Marie Borrelli.- Chapter 36. A Forced Displacement and Atrocity Crime Nexus: Displacement as Transfer, Annihilation, and Homogenisation; Andrew R. Basso.- Section Six: More-Than-Human Displacements.- Chapter 37. Intervention: Flower Power: Khmer Women’s Protests against Displacement in Cambodia and the United States; Katherine Brickell.- Chapter 38. Animals, People, and Places in Displacement; Benjamin Thomas White.- Chapter 39. Energy on the Move: Displaced Objects in Knowledge and Practice; Jamie Cross, Craig Martin, and G. Arno Verhoeven.- Chapter 40. Smartphones: Digital Infrastructures of the Displaced; Koen Leurs and Jeffrey Patterson.- Chapter 41. Family Photographs in Displacement; Penelope Pitt.- Chapter 42. Displaced Home-Objects in Homing Experiences; Mastoureh Fathi.- Chapter 43. The Role of Design in Displacement: Moving beyond Quick-Fix Solutions in Rebuilding Housing after Disaster; Esther Charlesworth and John Fien.- Section Seven: Representing Displacement.- Chapter 44: Intervention: Activism, Research and Film-Making: Fighting for the Right to Housing in Bucharest, Romania; Michele Lancione.- Chapter 45. How Not to Eat Human Stories: Ruts, Complicities and Methods in Visual Representations of Refugees; Dominika Blachnicka-Ciacek.- Chapter 46. Displacements of Experience: The Case of Immersion and Virtual Reality; Emma Bond.- Chapter 47. Displacement in Contemporary Art; John Potts.- Chapter 48. Reclaiming Safe Spaces: Arts-Based Research, Advocacy, and Social Justice; Nelli Stavropoulou.- Section Eight: Resisting Displacement.- Chapter 49. Intervention: An Interview with Anna Minton; Vandana Desai.- Chapter 50. ‘Housing is a Human Right. Here to Stay, Here to Fight’: Resisting Housing Displacement through Gendered, Legal and Tenured Activism; Mel Nowicki.- Chapter 51. Contesting Displacement through Radical Emplacement and Occupations in Austerity Europe; Mara Ferreri.- Chapter 52. Legal Geographies of Resistance to Gentrification and Displacement: Lessons from the Aylesbury Estate in London; Loretta Lees and Phil Hubbard.- Chapter 53: Local Faith Communities and Responses to Displacement; Susanna Trotta and Olivia Wilkinson.- Chapter 54. Hosting the Displaced: From Sanctuary Cities to Hospitable Homes; Jonathan Darling.- Chapter 55. Food and the Politics of Refuge: The Transformative Power of Asylum Seeker and Refugee Food Initiatives; Fiona Murphy.