Contributors Foreword Mr. Koichiro Matsuura, Director-General, UNESCO Preface Introduction Krishnamurthy Sriramesh Section 1: Global Public Relations: Conceptual Framework 1 A Theoretical Framework for Global Public Relations Research and Practice Krishnamurthy Sriramesh and Dejan Vercic 2 Political Economy and Public Relations Sandra Duhe and Krishnamurthy Sriramesh 3 Culture and Public Relations Krishnamurthy Sriramesh 4 The Mass Media and Public Relations Krishnamurthy Sriramesh and Dejan Vercic 5 Activism and Public Relations Jeong-Nam and Krishnamurthy Sriramesh Section 2: Asia and Australasia 6 Public Relations in Australasia: Friendly rivalry, Cultural diversity and a Global focus Judy Motion, Shirley Leitch, and Simon Cliffe 7 An Overview of Public Relations in Japan and the "Self-Correction" Concept Takashi Inoue 8 Professionalism and Diversification: The Evolution of Public Relations in South Korea Yungwook Kim 9 Becoming professionals: A portrait of public relations in Singapore Constance Chay-Nemeth 10 Public Relations in Mainland China: An Adolescent with growing pains Ni Chen and Hugh Culbertson 11 Sharing the Transformation: Public Relations and the UAE Come of Age Badran Badran, Judy Turk, and Timothy Walters 12 Public Relations in Palestine: Inside and Out Rhonda Zaharna and Jane Masri 13 The Israeli Public Relations Experience: Nation building and Professional Values Margalit Toledano and David McKie Section 3: Africa 14 The Nature and Status of Public Relations in Africa Chris Skinner and David Mersham 15 Public Relations in Nigeria Eric Koper 16 The Status of Public Relations in Kenya Peter Oriare Mbeke 17 Public relations in South Africa: From rhetoric to reality Ronel Rensburg 18 Public Relations in Egypt: Practices and Obstacles Kevin Keenan Section 4: Europe 19 The United Kingdom: Advances in Practice in a Restless Kingdom J. White, D. Moss, Jacquie L’Etang 20 From "literary bureaus" to a modern profession: The Development and Current Structure of Public Relations in Germany Guenter Bentele and Stefan Wehmeier 21 Public Relations in Norway: Communication in a Small Welfare State Oyvind Ihlen 22 Public Relations in the Polder: The Case of the Netherlands Betteke van Ruler 23 Public Relations in Sweden: A Strong Presence, Increasing in Importance Bertil Flodin 24 Public Relations in Italy: Masters of Ceremony in a Relational Society Toni Muzi Falconi 25 Public Relations in an Economy and Society in Transition: The Case of Poland Ryczard Lawniczak, Jacek Trebecski and Waldemar Rydzak 26 Public Relations in a Corporativist Country: The Case of Slovenia Dejan Vercic 27 Challenges of Revived Democracies: The rise of public relations in Romania Adela Rogojinaru 28 A Hungarian Rhapsody: The evolution and current state of Hungarian public relations Gyorgy Szondi 29 The Development of Public Relations in Russia: A Geopolitical Approach Katerina Tsetsura Section 5: The Americas 30 Public Relations in the United States: A Generation of Maturation Larissa A. Grunig and James E. Grunig 31 A Different Country, A Different Public Relations: Canadian PR in the North American Context Fraser Likely 32 Public Relations in México: From amateurism to professionalism María Antonieta Rebeil Corella, Alberto Monotya Martín del Campo,Jorge A. Hidalgo Toledo 33 Overview of Public Relations in South America Maria Aparecida Ferrari 34 Public Relations in Brazil: Practice and Education in a South American Context Juan Carlos Molleda, Andréia Athaydes, Vivian Hirsch 35 Public Relations in Chile: Searching for Identity Amid Imported Models Maria Aparecida Ferrari Section 6: International public relations: Key dimensions and actors 36 Transnational Public Relations by Foreign Governments Michael Kunczik 37 Public Relations of "Movers and Shakers:" Transnational Corporations Dejan Vercic 38 Non-Governmental Organizations and International Public Relations Ana Taklac & Jurica Pavicic 39 Public Relations, Public Diplomacy, and Strategic communication Mark van Dyke & Dejan Vercic 40 Sustainable Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Communication Ethic for the Global Corporation Cornelius B. Pratt 41 Managing Your Global Reputation: The Public Relations Agency Michael Morley 42 Public Information in the UNESCO: Progress Toward a Strategic Role Vincent Defourny 43 The United Nations Department of Public Information: Intractable Dilemmas and Fundamental Contradictions Seth Center Epilogue 44 The Missing Link: Multiculturalism and Public Relations Education Krishnamurthy Sriramesh