J.N. Cleveland, K.R. Murphy, Series Foreword. L.M. Shore, J.A.-M. Coyle-Shapiro, L.E. Tetrick, Expanding the Boundaries and Challenging the Assumptions of the Employee–Organization Relationship (EOR) Literature. Part 1. New Ways of Thinking about the EOR. B.E. Ashforth, K.M. Rogers, Is the Employee–Organization Relationship Misspecified? The Centrality of Tribes in Experiencing the Organization. M. Schminke, The Employee–Organization Relationship and Ethics: When it Comes to Ethical Behavior, Who is the Organization and Why Does it Matter? D. van Kippenberg, Social Identity-Based Leadership and the Employee–Organization Relationship. J. McLean Parks, F.L. Smith, Resource Commensurability and Ideological Elements of the Exchange Relationship. L.M. Shore, J.A.-M. Coyle-Shapiro, Perceived Organizational Cruelty: An Expansion of the Negative Employee–Organization Relationship Domain. J.L. Pearce, Assumptions in Employee–Organization Relationship Research: A Critical Perspective from the Study of Volunteers. Part 2. Putting the ‘R’ Back in the EOR. D.E. Guest, R. Rodrigues, Can the Organizational Career Survive? An Evaluation within a Social Exchange Perspective. E. Ernst Kossek, M.N. Ruderman, Work–Family Flexibility and the Employment Relationship. D.G. Gallagher, C.E. Connelly, Rethinking the EOR: Insights from the Experiences of Contingent Workers. K.M. Bartol, Y. Dong, Virtual EOR: Linking in to the Challenge of Increasingly Virtual Employee–Organizational Relationships. R. Takeuchi, A Relational Perspective on the Employee–Organization Relationship: A Critique and Proposed Extension. Part 3. Creation, Maintenance and Complexion of the EOR. D.L. Shapiro, M. Fugate, Fostering Anticipatory Justice: A New Option for Enhancing the Employee–Organization Relationship? A.M. Ryan, AOR and EOR: What's the Connection? P.W. Hom, Employee–Organizational Relationships: Their Impact on Push-and-Pull Forces for Staying and Leaving. M. Wang, Y. Zhan, Employee–Organization Relationships in Older Workers. Part 4. Organizational and Strategic Implications. D. Lepak, W.R. Boswell, Strategic HRM and Employee–Organizational Relationship (EOR). L.E. Tetrick, Emotions: The Glue that Holds the Employee–Organization Relationships Together (or Not). D.R. Avery, P.F. McKay, Q.M. Roberson, Managing Diversity Means Managing Differently: A Look at the Role of Racioethnicity in Perceptions of Organizational Support. E. Salas, S.M. Fiore, Why Work Teams Fail in Organizations: Myths and Advice. W.F. Cascio, R.J. Greene, The EOR and the Scholar–Practitioner Divide. L.M. Shore, J.A.-M. Coyle-Shapiro, L.E. Tetrick, What We Have Learned and Recommendations Going Forward.