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cullen–sizer l - the civil war era – an anthology of sources

The Civil War Era – An Anthology of Sources An Anthology of Sources

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Pagabile anche con Carta della cultura giovani e del merito, 18App Bonus Cultura e Carta del Docente

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Lingua: Inglese
Pubblicazione: 12/2004


There is an extraordinary range of material in this anthology, from Lincoln's Gettysburg address to a contemporary account of a visit from the Ku Klux Klan. The primary sources reproduced are both visual and written, and the secondary materials present a remarkable breadth and quality of relevant scholarship.
* Contains an extensive selection of writings and illustrations on the American Civil War
* Reflects society and culture as well as the politics and key battles of the Civil War
* Reproduces and links primary and secondary sources to encourage exploration of the material
* Includes editorial introductions and study questions to aid understanding

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Condizione: Nuovo
Dimensioni: 245 x 25.49 x 170 mm Ø 764 gr
Formato: Brossura
Pagine Arabe: 462

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