Inaugural address.- Trends in the foundation of physics.- Section 6 Methodology.- The empirical character of evidence.- Partiality, pursuit and practice.- Section 7 Probability, induction and decision theory.- Prior inferences for posterior judgements.- Game theory, rationality and evolution.- Section 8 History of logic, methodology and philosophy of science.- Anomalies and the revision of theory-elements: notes on the advance of Mercury’s perihelion.- The prehistory of infinitary logic: 1885–1955.- Section 9 Ethics of science and technology.- Engineers, ethics and sustainable development.- Are there ethical reasons for being, or not being, a scientific realist.- Rights and autonomy of scientists: cases in the People’s Republic of China.- On ethics and changing expertise in technology assessment.- Unpopular and precautionary science: towards a new ethics of science.- Testing models of natural systems: can it be done?.- Section 11 Philosophy of the physical sciences.- Macroscopic reality and the dynamical reduction program.- Section 12 Philosophy of biological sciences.- On conflicts between genetic and developmental viewpoints — and their attempted resolution in molecular biology.- The “paramount power of selection”: from Darwin to Kauffman.- Environmental causes in ontogeny and an ethics of attention.- Section 13 Philosophy of cognitive sciences and AI.- Mental causation without the language of thought.- What is the problem of mental causation?.- Classical constituents in Smolensky’s ICS architecture.- Section 14 Philosophy of linguistics.- Non-constituent coordination, wrapping, and multimodal categorial grammars.- Meaning sensitivity and grammatical structure.- Section 15 Philosophy of the social sciences.- Qualitative consistency masquerading asquantitative fit.- Why does evidence matter so little to economic theory.- Selection and attraction in cultural evolution.- Symposium 2 Semantics and semiotics.- Semantics and semiotics.- On meaning, logic and verbal language.- Semantics and semiotics.- Symposium 3 Logic and philosophy of science in the Far East.- Logic and philosophy of science in the Far East.- Logic in China.- Recent developments of logic, computer science, and philosophy of science in Japan.- Philosophy of science in Korea, 1950–1995.- Philosophy of science in Taiwan.- Table of contents Vol. I.