Prologue: sport in Latin America from past to present - European interpreters versus Latin American historians, Lamartine P. DaCosta; sport in Latin America from past to present - a European perspective, Bob Chappell; the early evolution of modern sport in Latin America - a mainly English middle class influence? J.A. Mangan; the infancy of sport in Rio de Janeiro - an approach to an understanding of the evolution of sport in Latin America, Victor A. Melo; tribulations and achievements - the early diffusion of Olympism in Argentina, Vic Duke and E. Crolley; Brazilian soccer - racial exclusion, social identity and appropriation in the early twentieth century, Antonio J. Soares; the later evolution of modern sport in Latin America - the North American influence, J. Arbena; ritual, religion, release - soccer in the history of Brazil, Cesar Gordonl cubanidad and baseball - nationalism and masculinity in Cuba, Thomas Carter; sport's images of fatherland - is such identity building in decline in Latin America? Hugo Lovisolo; epilogue.