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Protection of Personal Data.- CLiKC: A privacy-mindful approach when sharing data.- Ransomware and the Legacy Crypto API .- Risk and Security Analysis Methodology.- A Formal Verification of Safe Update Point Detection in Dynamic Software Updating.- Analyzing the Risk of Authenticity Violation Based on the Structural and Functional Sizes of UML Sequence Diagrams.- Towards the weaving of the characteristics of good security requirements.- Methodology for Security.- Towards Empirical Evaluation of Automated Risk Assessment Methods.- An n-sided polygonal model to calculate the impact of cyber security events.- Security and Formal Methods.- SPTool – equivalence checker for SAND attack trees.- Formal Verification of a Memory Allocation Module of Contiki with Frama-C: a Case Study.- Network Security.- A Proactive Stateful Firewall for Software Defined Networking.- Protocol Reverse Engineering: Challenges and Obfuscation.- Detection and Monitoring.-Detecting anomalous behavior in DBMS logs.- Online link disclosure strategies for social networks.- A Framework to Reduce the Cost of Monitoring and Diagnosis Using Game Theory.- Cryptography.- High-performance Elliptic Curve Cryptography by Using the CIOS Method for Modular Multiplication.- Improving Side-Channel Attacks against Pairing-Based Cryptography.- A First DFA on PRIDE: from Theory to Practice.
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