Introduction: generations of Watts, Colin Trodd and Stephanie Brown; Part I Transfiguring the Wattsian Body: The pointless meaningfulness of Watts's work, Paul Barlow; Between Homer and Ovid: metamorphoses of the 'grand style' in G. F. Watts, Elizabeth Prettejohn; 'To intensify the sense of teeming life': Watts and the twilight of transcendence, Colin Trodd; Indefinite expansion: Watts and the physicality of sculpture, Stephanie Brown. Part II Determining the Wattsian Space: Watts, historical thought and the schemes of painting in the 1840s, Janet McLean; Nationalizing Watts: the Hall of Fame and the National Portrait Gallery, Lara Perry; Illuminating experience: Watts and the subject of portraiture, Colin Trodd; Watts and the National Gallery of British Art, Alison Smith; Watts, women, philanthropy and the home arts, Shelagh Wilson; Bibliography.