Contents: Introduction. Research Design and Study Outcomes: The specific deterrent effects of arrest for domestic assault, Lawrence W. Sherman and Richard A. Berk; A randomized experiment testing inmate classification systems, Richard A. Berk, Heather Ladd, Heidi Graziano and Jong-Ho Baek; Does research design affect study outcomes in criminal justice?, David Weisburd, Cynthia M. Lum and Anthony Petrosino; The efficacy of psychological, educational and behavioral treatment: confirmation from meta-analysis, Mark W. Lipsey and David B. Wilson. Quantitative Issues in Sampling: Missing data problems in criminological research: 2 case studies, Robert Brame and Raymond Paternoster; Design sensitivity in criminal justice experiments, David Weisburd, Anthony Petrosino and Gail Mason; Formal processing and future delinquency: deviance amplification as selection artifact, Douglas A. Smith and Raymond Paternoster. Issues in Measurement: A note on the use of official statistics, John I. Kitsuse and Aaron V. Cicourel; On exploring the 'dark figure' of crime, Albert D. Biderman and Albert J. Reiss Jr ; Rap sheets in criminological research: considerations and caveats, Michael R. Geerken; An experimental comparison of 2 self-report methods for measuring lambda, Julie Horney and Ineke Haen Marshall; The age-crime debate: assessing the limits of longitudinal self-report data, Janet L. Lauritsen; Self-reported delinquency and a combined delinquency seriousness scale based on boys, mothers and teachers: concurrent and predictive validity for African Americans and Caucasians, David P. Farrington, Rolf Loeber, Magda Stouthamer-Loeber, Welmoet B. van Kammen and Laura Schmidt. Descriptive Analysis of Quantitative Data: Visualizing homicide: a research note, Michael D. Maltz; The (un)known universe: mapping gangs and gang violence in Boston, David M. Kennedy, Anthony A. Braga and Anne M. Piehl; A prospective test of a criminal career model, Arnold Barnett, Alfred Blumstein and David P. Farrington; Micro-models of criminal careers: a synthesis of the criminal careers and life course approaches via semiparametric mixed poisson models with empirical applications, Kenneth C. Land and Daniel S. Nagin; Desistance as a developmental process: a comparison of static and dynamic approaches, Shawn D. Bushway, Terrence P. Thornberry and Marvin D. Krohn; Trajectories of crime at places: a longitudinal study of street segments in the city of Seattle, David Weisburd, Shawn Bushway, Cynthia Lum and Sue-Ming Yang. Causal Modeling: Measuring positive externalities from unobservable victim precaution: an empirical analysis of Lojack, Ian Ayres and Steven D. Levitt; A comparative study of the preventative effects of mandatory sentencing laws for gun crimes, David McDowall, Colin Loftin and Brian Wiersema; Time series analysis of crime rates, David F. Greenberg; Poisson-based regression analysis of aggregate crime rates, D. Wayne Osgood; Name index.