David Lawton: Introduction: Production, Place, and Fantasy; David Wallace: Dante in Somerset: Ghosts, Historiography, Periodization; Helen Cooper: The Four Last Things in Dante and Chaucer: Ugolino in the House of Rumour; Kathy Lavezzo: Another Country: AElfric and the Production of English Identity; Alfred Hiatt: Forgery at the University of Cambridge; Scott-Morgan Straker: Rivalry and Reciprocity in Lydgate's Troy Book; William Kuskin: Reading Caxton: Transformations in Capital, Authority, Prints, and Persona in the Late Fifteenth Century; Nicolette Zeeman: 'Studying' in the Middle AgesDSand in Piers Plowman ; Ralph Hanna III: School and Scorn: Gender in Piers Plowman ; Miranda Griffin: Dirty Stories: Abjection in the Fabliaux; Anne Birrell: Panoptican in her Bedroom: Voyeurism and the Concept of Space in the Love Lyrics of Early Medieval China; Sarah Kay: Analytical Survery 3: The New Philology; Index