1 - Complex systems as multilayer networks
2 - The structure of single networks
3 - The dynamics on single networks
4 - Multilayer networks in nature, society and infrastructures
5 - The mathematical definition
6 - Basic structural properties
7 - Structural correlations of multiplex networks
8 - Communities
9 - Centrality measures
10 - Multilayer network models
11 - Interdependent multilayer networks
12 - Classical percolation, generalized percolation and cascades
13 - Epidemic spreading
14 - Diffusion
15 - Synchronization, non-linear dynamics and control
16 - Opinion dynamics and game theory
Appendix A - The Barabasi Albert model: the master equation
Appendix B - Entropy and null models of single networks
Appendix C - Growing multiplex networks: the master equation
Appendix D - Percolation of interdependent networks
Appendix E - Directed percolation of interdependent networks
Appendix F - Immunization strategies on multiplex networks
Appendix G - Spectrum of the Supra-Laplacian
1 - Complex systems as multilayer networks
2 - The structure of single networks
3 - The dynamics on single networks
4 - Multilayer networks in nature, society and infrastuctures
5 - The mathematical definition
6 - Basic structural properties
7 - Structural correlations of multiplex networks
8 - Communities
9 - Centrality measures
10 - Multilayer network models
11 - Interdependent multilayer networks
12 - Classical percolation, generalized percolation and cascades
13 - Epidemic spreading
14 - Diffusion
15 - Synchronization, non-linear dynamics and control
16 - Opinion dynamics and game theory
Appendix A - The Barabasi Albert model: the master equation
Appendix B - Entropy and null models of single networks
Appendix C - Growing multiplex networks: the master equation
Appendix D - Percolation of interdependent networks
Appendix E - Directed percolation of interdependent networks
Appendix F - Immunization strategies on multiplex networks
Appendix G - Spectrum of the Supra-Laplacian