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leung victor c.m. (curatore); parente ribeiro eduardo (curatore); wagner alan (curatore); iyengar janardhan (curatore) - multihomed communication with sctp (stream control transmission protocol)

Multihomed Communication with SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol)

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Lingua: Inglese

CRC Press

Pubblicazione: 10/2016
Edizione: 1° edizione

Note Editore

Although multihomed communication is a rapidly emerging trend for next generation networks, no known book explores multihomed communication with the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP). Filling this void, Multihomed Communication with SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) explains this innovative feature that allows an endpoint to simultaneously maintain and use multiple points of connectivity to the network—making it possible for fixed and mobile users to connect to the Internet via multiple service providers or last hop technologies. Among the topics addressed, the book covers: Support of node mobility between networks Concurrent multipath transfer using SCTP multihoming Low delay communication and multimedia applications High performance computing using commodity hardware and software SCTP support in the INET framework and its analysis in the Wireshark packet analyzer SCTP application interface Ideal for researchers and programmers, this forward-looking reference describes SCTP multihoming concepts and implementation, applications of multihoming across different domains, and proposed extensions such as multipath transfer and mobility. Although the book is aimed at those with an advanced background, it also covers the fundamental concepts and mechanisms of SCTP multihoming to help anyone get up to speed on SCTP.


Fundamental Concepts and Mechanisms of SCTP MultihomingIntroducing SCTP SCTP overview SCTP associations SCTP streams and message ordering The message-oriented nature of SCTP Partial reliabilityMultihoming and its support in SCTP Robustness to path failover Optimal Path Selection Mobility support Concurrent multipath transmissions and data stripingMultihoming and multipath support outside SCTP Physical and Link layer solutions Network layer solutions Transport layer solutions Higher layer solutions Closing remarks BibliographyFault ToleranceIntroduction Motivation for Multihoming Transport Layer Multihoming Chapter OverviewRetransmission Policies AllRtx Alt’s Problem Best of Both Worlds Performance Enhancing Extensions Failure ScenariosSummaryFailover Thresholds SCTP’s Failover Mechanism Reducing PMR Permanent Failovers Summary Related Work and Conclusions Related Work Conclusions Future Bibliography Support of Node Mobility between Networks Introduction Node Mobility Support in Wireless Networks Integrated Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Network Layer Approaches Application Layer Approaches Transport Layer Approaches Mobile SCTP for Node Mobility Support Overview of Mobile SCTP Protocol Architecture Vertical Handover Procedures Performance Improvement of Mobile SCTP for Vertical Handover Support SCTP Behavior Subject to Packets LossesSMART-FRX Scheme Simulation Results and Discussions Conclusions Bibliography Concurrent Multipath Transfer Using SCTP Multihoming CMT Algorithms Preventing Unnecessary Fast Retransmissions - SFR Algorithm Avoiding Reduction in Cwnd Updates - CUC Algorithm Curbing Increase in Ack Traffic –DAC AlgorithmRetransmission Policies CUCv2:ModifiedCUCAlgorithm Spurious Timeout Retransmissions Socket Buffer Blocking Degradation due to Receive Buffer Constraints Degradation due to Send Buffer Constraints Bibliography Low Delay Communication and Multimedia ApplicationsIntroduction Motivation: Need for Low Delay, Low Jitter for Real-TimeMultimedia Applications Audio and Video Coding Assessing the Quality: MOS, E-Model (ITU) and Others Delay-Centric Strategy: Switch Transmission Path for Low Latency Asymmetric Round Trip Path Approach for One-Way Delay Optimization Simulations DiscussionsBibliography High Performance Computing using Commodity Hardware and SoftwareIntroductionMessage Passing Interface Overview MPI Runtime Environment Open MPI Communication Stack Design of SCTP-based MPI Middleware for Open MPI One-to-one SCTPBTL Design One-to-many SCTPBTL Design Performance of the System Reliability Extra Bandwidth Bibliography SCTP Support in the INET Framework and its Analysis in the Wireshark Packet AnalyzerIntroduction The Simulation Environment An Overview of OMNeT++ The INET Framework Implementation of SCTP in INET Realized Features The Simulation ArchitectureAdditional Modules Configurable parameters Testing the simulationConfiguration Examples Setting up Routing for a Multi-homed Host Connecting an External Interface to the Real World Using the Wireshark Packet Analyzer for the Graphical Analysis of the Data Transfer Assigning Packets toAssociations Statistics Graphical Representation of the Data Transfer Conclusion Bibliography SCTP Application Interface Interface between the transport protocol and application General SCTPAPI functions General SCTP handling functions Message based communication Stream Based communication Secure SCTP association How to use Multihoming

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Condizione: Nuovo
Dimensioni: 9.25 x 6.25 in Ø 1.00 lb
Formato: Brossura
Illustration Notes:82 b/w images and 12 tables
Pagine Arabe: 241

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