Part I. Theoretical Fundamentals: 1. Games and mechanisms for networked systems: incentives and algorithms A. K. Chorppath, T. Alpcan and H. Boche; 2. Competition in wireless systems via Bayesian interference games S. Adlakha, R. Johari and A. Goldsmith; 3. Reacting to the interference field M. Debbah and H. Tembine; 4. Walrasian model for resource allocation and transceiver design in interference networks E. A. Jorswieck and R. Mochaourab; 5. Power allocation and spectrum sharing in wireless networks: an implementation theory approach A. Kakhbod, A. Nayyar, S. Sharma and D. Teneketzis; 6. Performance and convergence of multiuser online learning C. Tekin and M. Liu; 7. Game-theoretic solution concepts and learning algorithms S. M. Perlaza and S. Lasaulce; Part II. Cognitive Radio and Sharing of Unlicensed Spectrum: 8. Cooperation in cognitive radio networks: from access to monitoring W. Saad and H. V. Poor; 9. Cooperative cognitive radios with diffusion networks R. L. G. Cavalcante, S. Stanczak and I. Yamada; 10. Capacity scaling limits of cognitive multiple access networks E. Nekouei, H. Inaltekin and S. Dey; 11. Dynamic resource allocation in cognitive radio relay networks using sequential auctions T. Wang, L. Song and Z. Han; 12. Incentivized secondary coexistence D. Zhang and N. B. Mandayam; Part III. Management and Allocation of Licensed Spectrum: 13. Self-organizing context-aware small cell networks: challenges and future opportunities A. Khanafer, W. Saad and T. Basar; 14. Economic viability of dynamic spectrum management J. Huang; 15. Auction driven market mechanisms for dynamic spectrum management G. Iosi?dis and I. Koutsopoulos; 16. Enabling sharing in auctions for short-term spectrum licenses I. A. Kash, R. Murty and D. C. Parkes; 17. Economic models for secondary spectrum lease: a spatio-temporal perspective A. Al Daoud, M. Alanyali and D. Starobinski; 18. How to use a strategic game to optimize the performance of CDMA wireless network synchronization G. Bacci and M. Luise; 19. Economics and the efficient allocation of spectrum licenses S. Loertscher and L. M. Marx.