Contents: Introduction: the unending appeal of Max Weber within a globalized sociology; Part I Biography and General Assessments: The life and work of Max Weber, Carl Diehl; Authority and autonomy in marriage, Marianne Weber; How well do we know Max Weber after all?, Lutz Kaelber; The changing picture of Max Weber’s sociology, Richard Swedberg. Part II Early Work: Max Weber’s dissertation, Lutz Kaelber; Max Weber as rural sociologist, Q.J. Munters; Max Weber and the theory of ancient capitalism, John Love. Part III The Protestant Ethic: Part I: Calvinism and the infallible assurance of grace: the Weber thesis reconsidered, Malcolm H. MacKinnon; Part II Weber’s exploration of Calvinism: the undiscovered provenance of capitalism, Malcolm H. MacKinnon; The vanishing mediator: narrative structure in Max Weber, Fredric Jameson; Max Weber’s idea of ’puritanism’: a case study in the empirical construction of the Protestant ethic, Peter Ghosh. Part IV Methods: Max Weber, methods and the man, John Torrance; The ontology of the questionnaire: Max Weber on measurement and mass investigation, Robert Michael Brain; Instrumentum vocale: a note on Max Weber’s value-free polemics and sociological aesthetics, Thomas M. Kemple. Part V Religion: Max Weber and the comparative study of religious ethics, David Little; Max Weber’s Ancient Judaism, Tony Fahey; Max Weber and world-denying love: a look at the historical sociology of religion, Robert N. Bellah. Part VI Economics and Law: Max Weber’s 'grand sociology' :the origins and composition of Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Soziologie, Wolfgang J. Mommsen; Max Weber: precursor of economic sociology and heterodox economics?, Helge Peukert; Max Weber and economic sociology: a response to Peukert, Stephen D. Parsons; Max Weber’s critical response to theoretical economics, Patrick Mardellat; Formal justice and the spirit of capitalism: Max Weber’s sociology of law, Sally Ewing. Part VII Culture: Flaubert and Weber: post-he