Chapter 1. Introduction (Deborah C. Hayes, Becky K. Kerns, Toral Patel-Weynand, and Deborah M. Finch).- Chapter 2. Impacts of Invasive Species in Terrestrial and Aquatic Systems in the United States (Albert E. Mayfield III, Steven J. Seybold, Wendell R. Haag, M. Tracy Johnson, Becky K. Kerns, John C. Kilgo, Daniel J. Larkin, Rima D. Lucardi, Bruce D. Moltzan, Dean E. Pearson, John D. Rothlisberger, Jeffrey D. Schardt, Michael K. Schwartz, and Michael K. Young).- Chapter 3. Impacts of Invasive Species on Forest and Grassland Ecosystem Processes in the United States (Chelcy Ford Miniat, Jennifer M. Fraterrigo, Steven T. Brantley, Mac A. Callaham, Jr., Susan Cordell, Jeffrey S. Dukes, Christian P. Giardina, Shibu Jose, and Gary Lovett).- Chapter 4. Effects of Climate Change on Invasive Species (Deborah M. Finch, Jack L. Butler, Justin B. Runyon, Christopher J. Fettig, Francis F. Kilkenny, Shibu Jose, Susan J. Frankel, Samuel A. Cushman, Richard C. Cobb, Jeffrey S. Dukes, Jeffrey A. Hicke, and Sybill K. Amelon).- Chapter 5. Invasive Species Response to Natural and Anthropogenic Disturbance (Susan E. Meyer, Mac A. Callaham, Jr., Jane E. Stewart, and Steven D. Warren).- Chapter 6. Early Intervention Strategies for Invasive Species Management: Connections Between Risk Assessment, Prevention Efforts, Eradication, and Other Rapid Responses (Robert C. Venette, Doria R. Gordon, Jennifer Juzwik, Frank H. Koch, Andrew M. Liebhold, Robert K.D. Peterson, Sharlene E. Sing, and Denys Yemshanov).- Chapter 7. Management of Landscapes for Established Invasive Species (Therese M. Poland, Jennifer Juzwik, Allen Rowley, Cynthia D. Huebner, John C. Kilgo, Vanessa M. Lopez, Deanna H. Olson, Dean Pearson, Robert Progar, Robert Rabaglia, John D. Rothlisberger, Justin B. Runyon, and Sharlene E. Sing).- Chapter 8. Restoration of Landscapes and Habitats Affected by Established Invasive Species (Jennifer Koch, Dean E. Pearson, Cynthia D. Huebner, Michael K. Young, and Richard A. Sniezko).- Chapter 9. Sectoral Impacts of Invasive Species in the United States and Approaches to Management (Anne S. Marsh, Deborah C. Hayes, Patrice N. Klein, Nicole Zimmerman, Alison Dalsimer, Douglas A. Burkett, Cynthia D. Huebner, Robert Rabaglia, Laura A. Meyerson, Bonnie L. Harper-Lore, Jamie L. Davidson, Marla R. Emery, Travis Warziniack, Rebecca Flitcroft, Becky K. Kerns, and Vanessa M. Lopez).- Chapter 10. Inventory and Monitoring of Invasive Species (Sonja Oswalt, Chris Oswalt, Alycia Crall, Robert Rabaglia, Michael Schwartz, and Becky K. Kerns).- Chapter 11. Tools and Technologies for Quantifying Spread and Impacts of Invasive Species (Matt Reeves, Inés Ibáñez, Dana Blumenthal, Gang Chen, Qinfeng Guo, Catherine Jarnevich, Jennifer Koch, Frank Sapio, Michael K. Schwartz, Bruce K. Wylie, and Stephen Boyte).- Chapter 12. Social and Cultural Dynamics of Non-Native Invasive Species (John Schelhas, Janice Alexander, Mark Brunson, Tommy Cabe, Alycia Crall, Michael J. Dockry, Marla R. Emery, Susan J. Frankel, Nina Hapner, Caleb R. Hickman, Rebecca Jordan, Michael J. LaVoie, Zhao Ma, Ross K. Meentemeyer, Joe Starinchak, and Jelena Vukomanovic).- Chapter 13. The Role of International Cooperation in Invasive Species Research (Andrew Liebhold, Faith Campbell, Doria R. Gordon, Qinfeng Guo, Nathan Havill, Bradley Kinder, Richard MacKenzie, David R. Lance, Dean Pearson, Sharlene E. Sing, Travis Warziniack, Robert C. Venette, and Denys Yemshanov).- Chapter 14. Economics of Invasive Species (Travis Warziniack, Robert G. Haight, Denys Yemshanov, Jenny L. Apriesnig, Thomas P. Holmes, Amanda M. Countryman, John D. Rothlisberger, and Christopher Haberland).- Chapter 15. Legislation and Policy (Faith T. Campbell, Hilda Diaz-Soltero, and Deborah C. Hayes).- Chapter 16. Future Invasive Species Research Challenges and Opportunities (Becky K. Kerns, Therese M. Poland, Robert C. Venette, Toral Patel-Weynand, Deborah M. Finch, Allen Rowley, Deborah C. Hayes, Mike Ielmini).- APPENDIX 1: Regional Summaries.