Michael A. Fiddy received his PhD from the University of London in 1977, and was a research fellow in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at University College London before becoming a faculty member at London University (Kings College) in 1979. He moved to the University of Massachusetts Lowell in 1987 where he was ECE Department Head from 1994 until 2001. In January 2002 he was appointed the founding director of the newly created Center for Optoelectronics and Optical Communications at UNC Charlotte. He has been a visiting professor at the Institute of Optics Rochester NY, Mathematics Department Catholic University, Washington DC, Nanophotonics Laboratory Nanyang Technical University Singapore and ECE Department University of Christchurch NZ. He has also been the editor-in-chief of the journal Waves in Random and Complex Media since 1996, and holds editorial positions with several other academic journals. He was the topical editor for signal and image processing for the journal of the Optical Society of America from 1994 until 2001. He has chaired 20 conferences in his field, and is a fellow of the OSA, IOP and SPIE. His current research interests are inverse problems related to super resolution and metamaterial design.R. Shane Ritter is currently the Chair of the Engineering Department in the School of Professional Studies at Olivet Nazarene University in Bourbonnais, IL where he also serves as a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He has also served as the Director of Electrical Engineering for a number of engineering firms as well as an independent consulting electrical engineer in many different aspect of electrical engineering. He is currently licensed as a professional engineering in over 35 states, and he is also Registered Communication Distribution Designer (RCDD). Shane served as an adjunct faculty member in mathematics, statistics, and research for the University of Phoenix