The measurement of effective knowledge in multiple Internet of intelligences and application in risk assessmentC. HuangRisk evaluation modeling and revenue impact analysis for multi-tiered supply chainsJ. FogalHumanitarian logistics and information management for natural disaster response J. Montero & B. VitorianoSeismic risk assessment of the Constantine city, Algeria B. Sbartai & M. HamidatouAssessment of the liquefaction risk of soil under seismic solicitations B. Sbartai & F. KamelPoultry purchase in response to avian influenza in Vietnam: A qualitative exploration Q. Liao, W.W.T. Lam, R. Fielding, T.H. Bich & V.T. DangA system of systems approach in responding to events and addressing public health needs E. Akdogan, Y. Peres & A. YaeliFire accident chain evolution and control of Beijing transportation hub P. Sun, W. Zhu, Y. Ma, R. Song, S. He & K. LiuStudy on multi-attribute group decision-making model of construction diversion risk Z. ChenA risk eliminating coordination method for emergency large group decision making X. Xu, Y. Xia & M. WangThe research of quantification of building fire losses base on FDS software Y. TianA fuzzy MCDA framework for safety assessment in the remediation of a uranium mill tailings site in Ukraine A. Jiménez, M.C. Martín, A. Mateos, D. Pérez-Sánchez & A. DvorzhakStudy on flammability ranking of dominant herb communities in Songnen grassland, China Y. Bao, J. Zhang, X. Liu, Q. Zhang, Y. Wang, L. Shen & T. ZouA study on risk early warning of crops caused by floods in Northeast China based on vulnerabilityS. Zhao & Q. ZhangScenario-based risk assessment and zonation of paddy caused by flood in Huai River sub-basin of China S. Zhao, Q. Zhang & C. HuangApplication of capacity spectrum for Wenchuan earthquake damage risk analysis: The Dujiangyan studyJ. Yang, M. Liu & S. JiangDesign and implementation of crop risk assessment and zoning system Z. Song, Q. Zhang & K. WangPredicting agricultural drought disaster loss based on SPI and ANN in Shandong, China X. Liu, J. Zhang, W. Cai & D. YanApplications of health risk classification method in pre-evaluations of occupational disease hazards in construction projects in China D. Huang, M. Liu & M. LiDesign fire risk assessment index system of large public buildings in China Z. Chen, Y. Xie, J. Wang & L. ZouThe risk analysis of fuzzy inversion neural network and crime dark number space K. Zou, X. Li & X. XueComparing the performance of different artificial intelligence based clustering algorithms in healthcare waste disposal location Z. Gergin & S. EsnafA survey of fuzzy risk analysis J. Guo & F. AiMinimizing environmental risks using fuzzy TOPSIS: Location selection for ITU faculty of management A. Suder & C. KahramanA fuzzy assessment model for river ecological vulnerability: A case study in Yangtze river basin Y. Wang, D. Wang & J. WuUsing game theory for SAR response after devastating earthquakes and tsunamis C.K. WuAssessing flood disaster risk of urban residential building based on inundated depth J. Zhang, X. Liu, Z. Tong, Y. Zhang & Y. WangA method for extracting and integrating scattered information in internet of intelligences and an application in risk analysis of natural disasterF. Ai, J. Guo, C. Huang, F. Zeng & T. WuUncertainty evaluation of groundwater modeling based on multimodel method X. Zeng, D. Wang, J. Wu, X. Zhu & L. WangAn interactive method of fuzzy probability elicitation in risk analysis E. Vicente, A. Jiménez & A. MateosAn ANFIS model for forecasting risk by Overall Equipment Effectiveness parameter in Total Productive Maintenance E.T. Bekar, M. Cakmakci & C. KahramanA robust hub location model for disaster response via stochastic programming Z. Chen, X. Tan & X. GuanComprehensive risk science education program for undergraduate students; a case in Chiba Institute of Technology K. Shibata, T. Koshiyama, A. Takagi & A. YamazakiResearch on evaluation questionnaire of safety climate for safe communities R. Tong, X. Liu, P. Gao & B. DuResearch on early warning to safety assurance of subway based on mutation theory Y. Xu, Y. Xie, Y. Ge & B. SongSafety—a neglected issue when introducing solid biomass fuel in thermal power plants? Some evidence of an emerging risk F.H. Hedlund & J. AstadApplication of PLR classification guide for accidental potential in Beijing LPG storage and distribution station Q. You, J. Fan, W. Zhu & Y. BaiBroadband statistical Green’s functions based on observed data by strong motion networks and its application to Tonankai earthquake Narenmandula, Baoyintu, H. Kawase, Mantegeer, Buren & Y. BaoReducing urban disaster risk by improving resilience in China G. Zhai, S. Li & J. ChenUpside potential versus downside risk in Chinese agriculture under climate change Z. Tian, Z. Liang, H. Zhong, H. Qiu, L. Sun, G. Fischer, H. van Velthuizen, G. Cao & S. ZhaoMonitoring of drought disaster in Xilin Guole grassland using TVDI model Y. Bao, G. Gama, B. Gang, Yongmei, Alatengtuya, Yinshan & HusiletuCredit risk evaluation of the credit card by grey data mining based on AHP-GRAP S. Li, Y. Shi, Z. Zhong, G. Zhu & B. AiOperation mechanism and interfered information’s screening strategy of internet of intelligence F. Zeng, C. Huang & F. AiResearch about the acceptance level of risks based on multi-agent system C. Fan, G. Zhai, J. Chen, S. Li & L. DingA risk assessment method based on RBF artificial neural network—cloud model for urban water hazard D. Liu & D. WangAn accelerated particle swarm optimization training algorithm for RBF neural network in river stage forecasting in typical Karst area, South China Z. Cao, D. Wang, L. Wang & Y. ShiStudy on typhoon catastrophe risk assessment model framework J. Zhang & C. HuangMultilevel risk assessment of weather disaster S. GuoDo varying patterns with the same trend exist between temperature warming and climate-related natural disasters in China? B. Fan, N. Li & L. GuoRisk assessment of drought catastrophe for grain production at the provincial scale in China L. Xu, Q. Zhang, S. Zhao, K. Wang, Z. Li, F. Kong & X. DongForecasting oil consumption of Turkey using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) O. Senvar, G. Ulutagay & E.T. BekarResearch on natural disaster risk management model in Huangshan scenic area S. Hu, H. Zhu & J. ZhangA justification of investment into railway risks: Use of ALARP criteria in combination with life quality index Q. Mahboob, E. Schöne, U. Maschek & J. TrinckaufStudy on grassland fires disaster emergency spatial decision support system based on case-baseZ. Tong, J. Zhang, X. Luo, Y. Bao & X. LiuThe design of helmet-type multi-source information acquisition and processing platform in search and rescue missions W. Hu, H. Shang, L. Zhao, T. Zhang, G. Shi, J. Wang & L. XuanComparison of risk acceptability on NIMBY facility between Chinese and Japanese college students Y. Wu, G. Zhai, S. Li & C. RenStudy on the statistical method of direct economic losses from work safety accidents N. DengThe safety efficiency of an overhead lines undergrounding of cities cabling project Y. Wang, F. Yao & K. LiuRisk of investing in US industries after global financial crisis H. Sencal & M. OrhanDoes air temperature really affect road traffic accidents?—evidences from China S. Li, G. Zhai, C. Ren & Y. WuPreliminary study on text-to-scene implementation for emergency response plan F. Yang & W. LiHow is risk perception influenced by perceptive approaches in a multi-risk context? F. Yao, G. Zhai, C. Ren & Z. HeHeavy metals in PanaxNotoginseng and the implications for human health risk M. Zhu, Y. Jiang, B. Cui, Y. Jiang, H. Cao & W. ZhangThe study of grassland fire loss assessment method based on remote sensing technology in inner Mongolia Y. Chang, D. Bao, G. Liu, W. Wu & N. AoQua