Preface I Information theory, information processing methods and information systems Consumption intent analysis in Chinese microblog J.-K. Mao & T.-F. Yao Analysis of the micro-lecture construction of mechanical engineering network education L. Xu Construction and design of network database system of wild flowers of Beijing K. Huang, Q. Zhao, Z.H. Chen & Z.J. Liu A research on the construction of the E-learning platform in art and design teaching J. Shi Query processing with knowledge association context Y.-G. Yao, X.-Y. Ma, H. Liu, J. Yi, H.-Q. Chen & X.-H. Zhao A new type of optimization method based on benchmark learning A.-S. Xie The establishment of public opinion forecasting and early-warning through the methods of grey forecasting and pattern recognition H. Fu, X.-G. Ren, H. Li & Z.-T. Du The development of the anti-plagiarism software and its application in the teaching practice Z. Xie & W. Song Analysis and design method of the Cyber-Physical Systems based on SCADE L.C. Zhang & T. Peng Performance of incremental-best-relay technique for two-way relaying systems J. Guo, C.-X. Pei & H. Yang The explore of teaching model in mobile learning environment X.-H. Guan & Y.-G. Qian Empirical study on the reasons of IPO underpricing P. Zhang Simulation model of micro-blogging opinion dissemination under sudden natural disasters H.-L. Wang & J. Wang The performance evaluation of IT industry: Based on exploratory factor analysis Y. Wu & Y.-J. Tang An empirical study on relationships between intangible assets and profitability of IT industry Y.Q. Shi & W.-L. Gu The research on growth evaluation of Chinese IT listed companies Y.-J. Fu Case study on EIT industry-university-research collaborative innovation platform J. Wang & H.-L. Wang Empirical study on relationship between equity incentive and R&D expenditure of information technology listed companies Y.-X. Yin & W.-L. Gu Empirical research on capital structure and corporate performance of listed companies in information technology industry D.-D. Zhang Ecosystem health assessment of Japanese larch in Liaodong area based on grey relation projection method Q. Liu, S.-R. Hui, C. Wei, L. Fang, C. Liang & H. Liu Research on mean-variance approach and CAPM approach for determining the expected risk and return L.-F. Zhang & J.-F. Leng Research on the impact of IM technology on college students’ intimacy X.R. Chen, J.R. Sha & S.L. Lv Research on accounting conservatism and investment efficiency of IT enterprises: A perspective of impairment of assets C.-Y. Yu & J.-X. Xu Information technology security patent application analysis in China Y.-G. Yao, X.-Y. Ma, X.-H. Zhao, R.-P. Wu, L. Liu & Y.-Z. Liu Ownership concentration, balance degree and corporate performance: An empirical study on Chinese listed companies of IT industries H.R. Lu A novel Redundant Inertial Measurement Unit and error compensation technology K.-P. He, Y.-P. Shao, X.-X. Wang & C.-Y. Wang Study of Coke Dry Quenching control system based on PROFIBUS FieldbusZ.-S. Chen, Y.-X. Lan & J.-Z. Song Development of a wireless monitoring system based on ZigBee in chiller measurements Y.-H. Zheng U.S. foreign aid management system and its inspiration for China J.M. Hu, Y.C. Hua & J.M. Guo A kind of characters segmentation method for text-based CAPTCHA attacking Z. Wang & X. Li Predict drug-gene interactions based on collaborative filtering L.-X. Ma & Y. Li Predict NBA players’ career performance based on SVM Y. Li & L.-X. Ma Fish-eye lens rectification based on equidistant model C.-Q. Xu & X.-F. Peng Emotional intelligence system for smart education in ubiquitous learning X. Zhou, S. Huang, Y.-S. Chen & W.-H. Dai Emotion expression and affective computing on international cyber languages X. Zhou, S. Huang, X.-E. Yu, Z.-Y. Yang & W.-H. Dai Matching multi-sensor images based on Haar Binary Coding feature Z. Li, X. Zhou, G.-Y. Tu & W.-J. Li Applications of ICT for participatory sustainable rural development: A case study of Iran A. Khatoonabadi II Computer science An improved Apriori algorithm based on Hash table for borrowing data of library Y. Feng, M. Kang, X.-X. Liu, H.-Y. Xu, L. Gao & H.-M. Zhou Two-phase-precoding design for STBC MIMO systems M.-Y. Ju, Y.-H. Li, G.-P. Tan, P. Huang, J. Qian & Z. Lu Research on designing and developing the “Computer Platform” course website aiming at interactive learning X.-Y. Wang, P. Li, X.-J. Liu, J.-Q. Huang, Y.-A. Zhang & T.-F. Cao A secure multi-party protocol of association rules mining in vertically distributed environment L. Song Cryptanalysis of a one-time two-factor authentication and key agreement scheme using smart card J. Ling & G.Q. Zhao Low complexity adaptive robust algorithm for nonlinear Active Noise Control B. Wang & Z.Z. Tan Stochastic Network Calculus based delay analysis for Window Flow Controller B.L. Li, W.H. Dou & J. Zhao Design and simulation of wearable RFID tag antenna S.-D. Zhou & H.-T. Chang Attribute weighted fuzzy clustering algorithm for incomplete datasets D. Li, C.-Q. Zhong & Z.-J. Chen Semantic automatic image annotation based on Non-Abstract Visual Keywords X. Ke & G.-L. Chen JVM based traffic simulation oriented computer language framework Y. Bin, Z. Xiaoqing, W. Weiyang & W. Yanqing A novel pattern recognition algorithm X.-Q. Guan, B.-L. Han, Z. Ge & K. Niu Cancellation of loop-interference in full-duplex MIMO relays M.-M. Wang & X.-Y. Rui Improved interleaving PAPR reduction scheme of OFDM signals with BPSK inputs L.-Y. Wang & X.-H. Yang CssQoS: A load balancing mechanism for cloud serving systems W.K. Hsieh, W.H. Hsieh, J.L. Chen & P.J. Yang Dynamically Adjusted Detection Node Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Q. Yu, Y.-G. Liu & J.-L. Wang A cross-layer energy saving routing finding method for Underwater Wireless Sensor Network C.-B. Huang, X.-W. Zheng, G.-S. Yang, C.-Y. Chen & L. Gao A fast algorithm of double-scalar multiplication on Koblitz curves Q. Yu, C. Lin & J.-L. Wang On minimal separation axioms in generalized topological spaces H.-M. Guan & S.-Z. Bai Analytical study on the vulnerability scanning and tools N.-F. Zhu, Y. Zhou, L. Lou & W. Wang Research of multi-user traffic identification technology on mobile Internet R. Li & Z.-Z. Zhang Performance analysis of two-way AF cooperative networks with relay selection over Nakagami-m fading channels C.-H. Yao, C.-X. Pei & J. Guo Changes in cortical network topology with brain aging L. Lin, C. Jin, X. Xu & S. Wu Research of the measure method of identity trustworthiness based on software code homology detection X.-H. Zhao, H. Liu, M.G. Zou, L. Liu, L. Zhang & Y.F. Huang Learning hierarchical feature representation for RGB-D object recognition S.-Q. Tu, Y.-G. Xue, X. Zhang, X.-L. Huang & H.-K. Lin An image registration algorithm based on FAST, RANSAC and SURF W.-S. An, R.-M. Yu & Y.-L. Wu The light source system for star simulator with multi-color temperature and multi-magnitude X.-N. Li, C.-G. Wu, Z.-H. Lu & L.-Y. Xie Real-time moving detection algorithm based on YUV color space Q. Ke, F.-Y. Zhang & F.-X. Xiao Research on frequent itemsets mining algorithms based on MapReduce in cloud computing environment Y. Zhang & Z.G. Zhang Energy-saving optimization in data center based on computing resource scheduling S.-L. Ruan, C.-W. Lu & Y.-J. Guan Joint sink mobility and node deployment for prolonging lifetime in wireless sensor networks J.-G. Dai & H.-Y. Yuan A remote sensing image fusion method based on wavelet transform L. Han & D.-W. Liu A Network-on-Chip based homogeneous many-core Digital Signal Processor framework with distributed shared memory Q.-H. Zhang, F. Wang & Z.-L. Li Research and design of Network Intrusion Detection System based on Multi-Core Tilera64 L. Zhang, P.y. She