Part 1: Responding to Network Television Introduction Tino Balio 1. From ‘Frontal Lobes’ to the ‘Bob-and-Bob’ Show: NBC Management and Programming Strategies, 1949-65 Vance Kepley, Jr. 2. Building the World’s Largest Advertising Medium: CBS and Television, 1940-1960 William Boddy 3. The Weakest Chain and the Strongest Link: The American Broadcasting Company and the Motion Picture Industry, 1952-1960 James L. Baughman 4. Network Oligopoly Power: An Economic Analysis Barry Litman 5. Hollywood's Attempt at Appropriating Television: The Case of Paramount Pictures Timothy R. White 6. New Producers for Old: United Artists and the Shift to Independent Production Tino Balio 7. Glorious Technicolour, Breathtaking Cinemascope and Stereophonic Sound John Belton 8. Red, Blue and Lots of Green: The Impact of Colour Television on Feature Film Production Brad Chisholm 9. Feature Films on Prime Time Television William Lafferty Part 2: Responding to New Television Technologies Introduction Tino Balio 10. Pay Television: Breaking the Broadcast Bottleneck Michele Hilmes 11. Home Video: The Second Run "Theatre" of the 1990's Bruce A. Austin 12. The Made-for-TV Movie: Industrial Practice, Cultural Form, Popular Reception Laurie Schulze 13. Building a Movie Theatre Giant: The Rise of the Cineplex Odeon Douglas Gomery 14. Coca Cola Satellites?: Hollywood and the Deregulation of European Television Edward Buscombe