About the Editors. Contributors. Hilarski, Historical Overview.Introduction. Early Civilization. Ancient Greece. The Roman Empire. The Middle Ages (500 to 1400). The Restoration (1400 to 1600). Colonial America (1600 to 1700). Global Issues (1700 to 1900). Community Response. Conclusion. Hilarski, Child and Adolescent Sexual Abuse. Introduction. Definition. Prevalence and Incidence. Risk and Protective Factor. Life Stage Consequences. Conclusion. Harrington, Hisle-Gorman, Dia,Family Dysfunction: Theoretical Explanations and Ethnic Considerations. Introduction. Background. Importance of Theory. Levels of Theory. Grand Theories. Micro Level Theories. Ethnic and Cultural Considerations. Conclusion. Gannon, Gilchrist, Wade,Intrafamilial Child and Adolescent Sexual Abuse. Introduction. Intrafamilial Offenders: A Definition. Who is the Intrafamilial Abuser? What Does the Intrafamilial Offender Do? What is the Damage Done? Why Do Men Sexually Abuse Their Own Children? Psychological Factors Related to Interfamilial Offending. Treatment for Intrafamilial Offenders. Is it Possible to Reunify the Family? Conclusions. Hilarski, The Nonfamily Sex Offender.Introduction. What is Sex Offending? Characteristics of the Child Sex Offender. Can Child Sex Offenders Stop Victimizing? Criminal Careers and Specialization. Recidivism. Desistance. Conclusion. Devilly, Varker, Cook, Yap,Current Empirical Assessment Methods. Introduction. Assessment Issues. Structured and Semistructured Interviews. Empirically Based Assessment Interviews. Self-Report Measures. Psychophysiological Assessment. Conclusion. Nurcombe, Treatment for the Sexually Abused Child. Adult Outcome. The Immediate Effects of CSA. Risk Factors. Treatment Research. Modular, Goal-Directed Treatment. Conclusion. Nelson-Gardell, Treatment for Sexually Abused Adolescents. Introduction. Adolescence: What is it? Neurological Effects of Trauma. The Effects of Sexual Victimization. Assessment. Treatment Planning. Treatment. Bibliotherapy Resources. Conclusion. Alaggia, Knott, Treatment for the Nonoffending Caregiver. Introduction. Nonoffending Caregiver Treatment Issues. Treatment Models with Nonoffending Caregivers. The Role of Attachment. Cultural and Gender Issues. Comorbidity and Domestic Violence. Conclusion. Renk, Baksh, Donnelly, Roddenberry,Prevention Endeavors. Introduction. Families. Schools. The Community and the Legal System. The Internet and Other Sources of Media. Conclusions. Goldsmith, Tang, Freyd,Policy and Practice Implications. Introduction. Prevalence and Consequences of Child Sexual Abuse. Impaired Awareness for Abuse. Disclosure of CSA. Professional Responses to CSA. CSA and Public Policy. Recommendations. Index. Reference Notes Included.