Introduction. Gustav and Alma Mahler (A Brief Chronology). Mahler's Works. Mature Works. Early Works. Editions, Transcriptions and Completions of Works by Other Composers, and. Spurious Works. The Surviving Works of Alma Mahler-Werfel. List of Abbreviations. Bibliography. Compendia. Encyclopedia References. Catalogues and Lists. History. General. Judaism and Antisemitism. Background History and Culture. Jews in the German-Speaking Countries (General). Jews in Music. Antisemitism (General). Antisemitism in the History of Music. Visuals. Places. Portraits. Biographies. Non-Eyewitness (With or Without Studies of Works). Medical/Psychiatric Studies. The "Mahler Circle". Eyewitness Accounts. Autobiographies and Biographies. Letters. Essays and Miscellaneous. Mahler’s Letters. Primary Texts. Commentary. Conducting Activities. General. Early Positions. Prague. Leipzig. Budapest. Hamburg. Vienna. General. Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. Vienna Opera. General. Individual Productions. New York. General. Metropolitan Opera. New York Philharmonic Orchestra. Alma Mahler-Werfel. Biographical/Analytical. Primary. Secondary. Literary Influences. Alma Mahler-Werfel. Gustav Mahler. Symphonies. Des Knaben Wunderhorn. Rückert Lieder/Kindertotenlieder. Das Lied von der Erde. Early Works. Other. Publishers. General. Bote und Bock. Ludwig Doblinger. Ernst Eulenberg. C.F. Kahnt. C.F. Peters. B. Schotts Söhne. Universal Edition. Josef Weinberger. Other Publishers. Mahler’s Place in Musical History. Reception/Historiography. Media and Criticism. Philosophical Views. Mahler’s Works. Style. Form/Harmony/Melody. Orchestration. Program, Nature and Folk Influences. Collective Analyses. Symphonies and Songs, etc.. Symphonies. Songs. Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen. Des Knaben Wunderhorn. Rückert Settings. Other. Facsimiles. Individual Analyses. Das klagende Lied. Das Lied von der Erde. Symphony no. 1. Symphony no. 2. Symphony no. 3. Symphony no. 4. Symphony no. 5. Symphony no. 6. Symphony no. 7. Symphony no. 8. Symphony no. 9. Symphony no. 10. Other Works. Klavierquartett. Symphonic Prelude [spurious]. Four Early Symphonies. Scherzo in C Minor and Presto in F Major. Editions of Works by Other Composers. Weber, Die drei Pintos. Retouches. General. Bach. Beethoven. Bruckner. Schubert. Schumann. Miscellaneous. Index of Composers, Authors, Editors, Compilers, Translators, Contributors, Arrangers, Librettists and Poets