Invited lecturesAn adaptive non-rigid image registration technique using hierarchical B-splines A. Pawar, Y. Zhang, X. Wei, Y. Jia, T. Rabczuk, C.L. Chan & C. AnitescuMedical image segmentation using Object Shape Models: A critical review on recent trends,and alternative directions A.X. Falcao, T.V. Spina, S.B. Martins & R. PhellanPrimal-dual method for continuous max-flow approaches K. Wei, X.-C. Tai, T.F. Chan & S. LeungImage restoration using variational approaches: Some recent advances A. Lanza, S. Morigi & F. SgallariVirtual and augmented medical imaging environments: Applications to simulation, training,surgical planning and interventional guidance C.A. LinteContributed papersThe fast method of creating High Dynamic Range image for fluorescent microscopy applications A. BalAutomatic cheek detection in digital images M. Frackiewicz, H. Palus & K. RadlakA variational model for image fusion with simultaneous cartoon and texture decomposition M. Dodangeh, I.N. Figueiredo & G. GoncalvesImage contrast enhancement using split Bregman method S.Gh. Bardeji, I.N. Figueiredo & E. SousaExtraction of spectral drowsy component from the resting electroencephalographic signalfor quick, objective and direct testing of sleepiness in absolute terms A.A. Putilov, O.G. Donskaya & E.G. VerevkinThe illusion of a blackbody at the human ear and the human temperature measurement A. CardosoVideo-based Turkish Sign Language recognition systems M. Aktas & E.B. SonmezA nonsmooth nonconvex sparsity-promoting variational approach for deblurring imagescorrupted by impulse noise A. Lanza, S. Morigi & F. SgallariClassification-based blood vessel segmentation in retinal images J. Odstrcilik, R. Kolar, V. Harabis & R.P. TornowLine extraction via phase congruency with a novel adaptive scale selection for Poissonnoisy images V.A. Krylov & J.D.B. NelsonDiagnosis of human intestinal parasites by deep learning A.Z. Peixinho, S.B. Martins, J.E. Vargas, A.X. Falcao, J.F. Gomes & C.T.N. SuzukiTexture-energy features for microaneurysms detection D. Veiga, N. Martins, C. Pereira, M. Ferreira & J. MonteiroAn iterative algorithm for Total Variation minimization in DBT imaging A.M. Mota, N. Matela, N. Oliveira & P. AlmeidaNo-reference wavelet based Retinal Image Quality Assessment L.S. Abdel Hamid, A. El-Rafei, S. El-Ramly, G. Michelson & J. HorneggerVessel segmentation of retinal images with fuzzy morphology P. Bibiloni, M. Gonzalez-Hidalgo & S. MassanetIdentification of subendocardial infarction—a feasibility study using synthetic ultrasonicimage data of a left ventricular model J. Zmigrodzki, S. Cygan, B. Lesniak-Plewinska & K. KaluzynskiMicrocalcification segmentation in full field digital mammography N. Martins, D. Veiga, C. Pereira, M. Ferreira, N. Alves & M. DelgadoUnsupervised delineation of the vessel tree in retinal fundus images N. Strisciuglio, M. Vento, G. Azzopardi & N. PetkovA registration algorithm for microscopy images of the capillary bed H. Rieiro, J.L. Alba Castro, S. Martinez-Conde & S.L. MacknikBilateral filtering based biomedical image colorization A. Popowicz & B. SmolkaComparison of the internal structures of bones by microtomography J.C.L. Stutz, J.S. Dominguez & J.T. de AssisModel adaptation for mesh generation of biological structures A. Ramos-de-Miguel, R. Montenegro & J.M. EscobarMedical volume rendering based on gradient information T.F. de Moraes, P.H.J. Amorim, J.V.L. da Silva, H. Pedrini, M.I. MeurerChaos theory-based quantification of ROIs for mammogram classification J. Kurek, B. Swiderski, S. Dhahbi, M. Kruk, W. Barhoumi, G. Wieczorek & E. ZagroubaM5L: A web-based Computer Aided Detection system for automated search of lungnodules in thoracic Computed Tomography scans A. Traverso, M. Agnello, P. Cerello, M. Saletta, S. Bagnasco, C. Peroni, E. Fiorina,M.E. Fantacci, A. Retico & E. Lopez TorresNon-intrusive and calibration free visual exploration analysis in children with AutismSpectrum Disorder D. Cazzato, F. Adamo, G. Palestra, G. Crifaci, P. Pennisi, G. Pioggia, L. Ruta,M. Leo & C. DistanteSemi-automatic tumor contouring method using PET and MRI medical images S. Urban, L. Rusko & A. NagyAutomatic detection of bones based on the confidence map for Rheumatoid Arthritis analysis K. Radlak, N. Radlak & B. SmolkaImproved computer recognition of Fuhrman grading system in analysisof Clear-Cell Renal Carcinoma M. Kruk, J. Kurek, S. Osowski & R. KoktyszA proof of concept of an augmented reality system for Nuss surgery A. Ferreira, P. Morais, S. Queiros, F. Veloso, N.F. Rodrigues,J. Correira-Pinto & J.L. VilacaUsage of mobile devices in a bone fracture reduction process J.R. Jimenez, F. Paulano, J.M. Noguera & J.J. JimenezAutomated peritumoral edema segmentation in preoperative brain MRI scans E. Binaghi, P. Melchiorre, L. Romitelli, S. Balbi & D. LattanziEvaluation of segmentation techniques for wound area identification G. Zhang, P. Xiberta, A. Bardera, I. Boada & A. RomeroAutomated image segmentation based on multiobjective optimization and machinelearning S.M. Shontz, J.S. Tahara, D.O. McLaurin, D.J.L. Colbry & B. ParikhFractal descriptor on holographic images of cervical cells M. Mihailescu, E.I. Scarlat, I.A. Paun, I. Grigorescu, R. Radu & O.T. NedelcuAn integrated two Time-of-Flight camera system to determine knee flexion movement:Comparison with standard motion analysis system E. Veron-Tocquet, V. Burdin, J. Savean, J. Leboucher & O. Remy-NerisMechanics–based analysis of the left atrium via echocardiographic imaging S. Gabriele, L. Teresi, V. Varano, P. Nardinocchi, P. Piras, G. Esposito,P.E. Puddu, C. Torromeo & A. EvangelistaA new thick-walled conical model of the Left Ventricle B. Lesniak-Plewinska, S. Cygan, J. Zmigrodzki & K. KaluzynskiAugmented Reality in radiofrequency ablation of the liver tumors L.T. De Paolis & F. RicciardiAnthropomorphic robot forefinger virtually simulated H.J. Rabiela, B.V. Gonzalez & G.D.A. MirandaCT based identification problem for the multicompartment model of blood perfusion E. Rohan, V. Lukeš & J. BrašnovaA study on discrimination of SIFT feature applied to binary images I. Setitra & S. LarabiTime-constrained detection of colored objects on raw Bayer data A.J.R. Neves, A. Trifan & J.L. AzevedoImage scanning techniques for speeded-up color object detection A. Trifan, A.J.R. Neves & B. CunhaImproving deep neural networks classification by preprocessing images H. Erdmann, F.T. Ito, D. Takabayashi & D.N. dos SantosSurface reconstruction of bone fragments: A comparative study F. Paulano, J.J. Jimenez & J.R. JimenezTowards a robust patch based multi-view stereo technique for textureless and occluded3D reconstruction B. Haines & L. BaiForming tool inspection using fiber-optic sensor heads S. Matthias, M. Kastner, E. Reithmeier, P. Sieczkarek & A.E. TekkayaNavigation of robotics platform using advanced image processing navigation methods L. Beran, P. Chmelar & L. RejfekSNIP: Smile—neutral facial display intensity predictor K. Nurzynska & B. Smolka