Contents: Preface. A.S. Bregman, Psychological Data and Computational ASA. J. Rouat, M. Garcia, A Prototype Speech Recognizer Based on Associative Learning and Nonlinear Speech Analysis. M. Slaney, A Critique of Pure Audition. R. Meddis, L. O'Mard, Psychophysically Faithful Methods for Extracting Pitch. F. Berthommier, C. Lorenzi, Implications of Physiological Mechanisms of Amplitude Modulation Processing for Modelling Complex Sounds Analysis and Separation. D. Wang, Stream Segregation Based on Oscillatory Correlation. G.J. Brown, M. Cooke, Temporal Synchronization in Neural Oscillator Model of Primitive Auditory Stream Segregation. F. Klassner, V. Lesser, H. Nawab, The IPUS Blackboard Architecture as a Framework for Computational Auditory Scene Analysis. K. Kashino, K. Nakadai, T. Kinoshita, H. Tanaka, Application of the Bayesian Probability Network to Music Scene Analysis. D.J. Godsmark, G.J. Brown, Context-Sensitive Selection of Competing Auditory Organizations: A Blackboard Model. M. Goto, Y. Muraoka, Musical Understanding at the Beat Level:Real-Time Beat Tracking for Audio Signals. S.H. Nawab, C.Y. Espy-Wilson, R. Mani, N.N. Bitar, Knowledge-Based Analysis of Speech Mixed With Sporadic Environmental Sounds. T. Nakatani, M. Goto, T. Ito, H.G. Okuno, Multiagent Based Binaural Sound Stream Segregation. M.K. Bhandaru, V.R. Lesser, Discrepancy Directed Model Acquisition for Adaptive Perceptual Systems. A. Fishbach, Auditory Scenes Analysis:Primary Segmentation and Feature Estimation. J.W. Grabke, J. Blauert, Cocktail Party Processors Based on Binaural Models. D. Ellis, D. Rosenthal, Midlevel Representations for Computational Auditory Scene Analysis: The Weft Element L. Solbach, R. Wöhrmann, J. Kliewer, The Complex-Valued Continuous Wavelet Transform as a Preprocessor for Auditory Scene Analysis. N. Saint-Arnaud, K. Popat, Analysis and Synthesis of Sound Textures. S.M. Boker, Predicting the Grouping of Rhythmic Sequences Using Local Estimators of Information Content. B.L. Karlsen, G.J. Brown, M. Cooke, M. Crawford, P. Green, S. Renals, Analysis of a Simultaneous-Speaker Sound Corpus. H. Kawahara, Hearing Voice: Transformed Auditory Feedback Effects on Voice Pitch Control. L. Wyse, S.W. Smoliar, Toward Content-Based Audio Indexing and Retrieval and a New Speaker Discrimination Technique. E.D. Scheirer, Using Musical Knowledge to Extract Expressive Performance Information from Audio Recordings.