Preface 1. Emancipatory rural politics: confronting authoritarian populism Ian Scoones, Marc Edelman, Saturnino M. Borras Jr., Ruth Hall, Wendy Wolford and Ben White 2. Counterrevolution, the countryside and the middle classes: lessons from five countries Walden Bello 3. People and places left behind: work, culture and politics in the rural United States Jessica D. Ulrich-Schad and Cynthia M. Duncan 4. Power and powerlessness in an Appalachian Valley – revisited John Gaventa 5. The rural roots of the rise of the Justice and Development Party in Turkey Burak Gürel, Bermal Küçük and Sercan Tas 6. Rural rage: the roots of right-wing populism in the United States Chip Berlet and Spencer Sunshine 7. Neoliberal developmentalism, authoritarian populism, and extractivism in the countryside: the Soma mining disaster in Turkey Fikret Adaman, Murat Arsel and Bengi Akbulut 8. The vanishing exception: republican and reactionary specters of populism in rural Spain Jaume Franquesa 9. Understanding the silent majority in authoritarian populism: what can we learn from popular support for Putin in rural Russia? Natalia Mamonova 10. Authoritarian populism in rural Belarus: distinction, commonalities, and projected finale Aleh Ivanou 11. Land grabbing and the making of an authoritarian populist regime in Hungary Noémi Gonda 12. Authoritarian populism and neo-extractivism in Bolivia and Ecuador: the unresolved agrarian question and the prospects for food sovereignty as counter-hegemony Mark Tilzey 13. Pockets of liberal media in authoritarian regimes: what the crackdown on emancipatory spaces means for rural social movements in Cambodia Alice Beban, Laura Schoenberger and Vanessa Lamb 14. Confronting agrarian authoritarianism: dynamics of resistance to PROSAVANA in Mozambique Boaventura Monjane and Natacha Bruna 15. Populism from above and below: the path to regression in Brazil Daniela Andrade 16. ‘They say they don’t see color, but maybe they should!’ Authoritarian populism and colorblind liberal political culture Michael Carolan 17. Agrarian anarchism and authoritarian populism: towards a more (state-)critical ‘critical agrarian studies’ Antonio Roman-Alcalá 18. ‘Actually existing’ right-wing populism in rural Europe: insights from eastern Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom and Ukraine Natalia Mamonova, Jaume Franquesa and Sally Brooks 19. Unpacking ‘authoritarian populism’ and rural politics: some comments on ERPI Henry Bernstein 20. From ‘populist moment’ to authoritarian era: challenges, dangers, possibilities Marc Edelman