Part A: Performance Management1. Performance measurement in independent hotels.Mine Haktanir, PhDAssistant Professor and Lecturer in School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Eastern Mediterranean University,Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.2. Productivity in the hospitality industry: how to measure productivity and improve process management.Pekka Heikkilä, MSc (econ.) Certified HTM-Auditor (Finland)Lecturer in Business Accounting,Haaga Institute Polytechnic, Helsinki, Finland.andTimo Saranpää, MSc (econ.)Managing director, Sadanpaamies consultingLecturer in Business AccountingHaaga Institute Polytechnic, Helsinki, Finland3. Performance management in the international hospitality industry.Helen Atkinson MBA, BA(Hons) ACMA HCIMA ABHAPrincipal Lecturer in AccountingSchool of Service ManagementUniversity of Brighton, UK.4. Budgetary practice within the hospitality industry.Tracy Jones, BSc, MPhil, MHCIMAPrincipal Lecturer in AccountingCheltenham and Glocestershrie Univeristy, UK5. Benchmarking: measuring financial success in the hotel industry.Agnes Lee DeFranco, PhD, CHE, CHAEProfessor, Conrad N. Hilton College of Hotel & Restaurant Management University of Houston, USA6. Developing a benchmarking methodology for the hotel industry.Peter HarrisProfessor of AccountingDepartment of Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism Management, Business School, Oxford Brookes UniversityandMarco Mongiello, PhD, BA, ICA(Italy), ABHAPrincipal Lecturer in Accounting and FinanceHarrow Business School, University of Westminster, UK.Part B: Information Management7. The profit planning framework: applying marginal accounting techniques to hospitality services.Peter HarrisProfessor of AccountingDepartment of Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism Management, Business School, Oxford Brookes University8. Cross-border reporting for performance evaluation.Ian Graham, BAManaging Director of The Hotel Solutions Partnership LtdKings Langley, UK9. Cost analysis in hotel industry: an ABC customer focused approach and the case of joint revenues.Paolo Collini, PhD, MBAProfessor in Management Accounting and Strategic ManagementUniversity of Trento, ITALY10. Customer profitability in a hotel context.Vira Krakhmal, MSc, BA, ABHASenior Lecturer and Postgraduate ResearcherDepartment of Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism Management, Business School, Oxford Brookes University11. Room rate pricing: a resource-advantage perspective.Jean-Pierre I. van der Rest, MA, BBALecturer in Business Economics and Strategic MarketingLeiden University, NL12. The relevance of restaurant accounting systems.Tommy D. Andersson, PhDProfessor of Tourism Management,School of Business, Economics and Law at Goteborg University, Sweden13. Environmental accounting: reflecting environmental information in accounting systems.Rebecca Hawkins, PhD, BAFreelance Consultant and Research and Consultancy FellowDepartment of Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism Management, Business School, Oxford Brookes University14. Hotel unit financial management: does it have a future?Cathy Burgess, MPhil, CDipAF, FBHA, FHCIMASenior Lecturer in Accounting for the Hospitality IndustryDepartment of Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism Management, Business School, Oxford Brookes UniversityPart C: Asset Management15. Hotel asset management: will a North American phenomenon expand internationally?Paul Beals, PhDVisiting Professor of Hotel Real Estate and Finance,IMHI-ESSEC Business School,Cergy-Pontoise, France16. Hotel asset management: European principles and practice.Geoff S. Parkinson, BSc, FCA, FHCIMA, FBHA Managing DirectorHotel investment Advisors, UK17. A management accounting perspective on hotel outsourcing.Dawne Lamminmaki, PhD, BCom, MBA, CMALecturer in Accounting,Graduate School of ManagementGriffith University - Gold Coast, AUSTRALIA18. Sale and leaseback transactions in the hospitality industry.Charles Whittaker, BSc (Econ), FCA, MASenior Lecturer in HospitalityDepartment of Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism Management, Business School, Oxford Brookes University19. Hospitality firm risk determinants and value enhancement.Zheng Gu, PhD, BS, MAProfessor in Hospitality Finance & AccountingUniversity of Nevada, Las Vegas20. Investment appraisal issues arising in hotels governed by management contract.Chris GuildingProfessor in Tourism, Leisure, Hotel and Sport ManagementDirector, Service Industry Research CentreGriffith University, AUSTRALIA21. Autonomy and control in managing network organizations: the case of multinational hotel companies.Marco Mongiello, PhD, BA, ICA(Italy), ABHAPrincipal Lecturer in Accounting and FinanceHarrow Business School, University of Westminster, UK.andPeter HarrisProfessor of AccountingDepartment of Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism Management, Business School, Oxford Brookes University22. Career directions in financial management in the hospitality industry.Howard Field FCA FHCIMA FBHAHotel Industry Advisor, Director of FM Recruitmentand Visiting Fellow Oxford Brookes University