Vibration Monitoring, Testing, and Instrumentation
de silva clarence w. (curatore)
208,98 €
198,53 €
Measuring and testing for vibration is critical in maximizing system durability and ensuring safety, including effects of vibrations on humans and their environment. Condensing information from the highly popular Vibration and Shock Handbook, this book supplies a convenient guide to the tools, techniques, data, and instrumentation to successfully test, measure, and analyze vibration behavior. Expert contributors examine instrumentation, signal acquisition, LabVIEW tools for virtual instrumentation, shock and vibration methodologies for various civil and mechanical engineering systems, signal conditioning, and recording. The book also includes an additional chapter on human response to vibration.NOTE EDITORE
Controlling a system's vibrational behavior, whether for reducing harmful vibrations or for enhancing useful types, is critical to ensure safe and economical operation as well as longer structural and equipment lifetimes. A related issue is the effect of vibration on humans and their environment. Achieving control of vibration requires thorough understanding of system behavior, and Vibration Monitoring, Testing, and Instrumentation provides a convenient, thorough, and up-to-date source of tools, techniques, and data for instrumenting, experimenting, monitoring, measuring, and analyzing vibration in a variety of mechanical and structural systems and environments.Drawn from the immensely popular Vibration and Shock Handbook, each expertly crafted chapter of this book includes convenient summary windows, tables, graphs, and lists to provide ready access to the important concepts and results. The authors give equal emphasis to the theoretical and practical aspects, supplying methodologies for analyzing shock, vibration, and seismic behavior. They thoroughly review instrumentation and testing methods such as exciters, sensors, and LabVIEW® tools for virtual instrumentation as well as signal acquisition, conditioning, and recording. Illustrative examples and case studies accompany a wide array of industrial and experimental techniques, analytical formulations, and design approaches. The book also includes a chapter on human response to vibration.Vibration Monitoring, Testing, and Instrumentation supplies a thorough understanding of the concepts, tools, instruments, and techniques you need to know before the design process begins.SOMMARIO
VIBRATION INSTRUMENTATION; Clarence W. de SilvaIntroductionVibration ExcitersControl SystemPerformance SpecificationMotion Sensors and TransducersTorque, Force, and Other SensorsAppendix 1A Virtual Instrumentation for Data Acquisition, Analysis, and PresentationSIGNAL CONDITIONING AND MODIFICATION; Clarence W. de SilvaIntroductionAmplifiersAnalog FiltersModulators and DemodulatorsAnalog-Digital ConversionBridge CircuitsLinearizing DevicesMiscellaneous Signal Modification CircuitrySignal Analyzers and Display DevicesVIBRATION TESTING; Clarence W. de SilvaIntroductionRepresentation of a Vibration EnvironmentPretest ProceduresTesting ProceduresSome Practical InformationEXPERIMENTAL MODAL ANALYSIS; Clarence W. de SilvaIntroductionFrequency-Domain FormulationExperimental Model DevelopmentCurve Fitting of Transfer FunctionsLaboratory ExperimentsCommercial EMA SystemsMECHANICAL SHOCK; Christian LalanneDefinitionsDescription in the Time DomainShock Response SpectrumPyroshocksUse of Shock Response SpectraStandardsDamage Boundary CurveShock MachinesGeneration of Shock Using ShakersControl by a Shock Response SpectrumPyrotechnic Shock SimulationMACHINE CONDITION MONITORING AND FAULT DIAGNOSTICS; Chris K MechefskeIntroductionMachinery FailureBasic Maintenance StrategiesFactors which Influence Maintenance StrategyMachine Condition MonitoringTransducer SelectionTransducer LocationRecording and Analysis InstrumentationDisplay Formats and Analysis ToolsFault DetectionFault DiagnosticsVIBRATION-BASED TOOL CONDITION MONITORING SYSTEMS; C. Scheffer and P.S. HeynsIntroductionMechanics of TurningVibration Signal RecordingSignal Processing for Sensor-Based Tool Condition MonitoringWear Model/Decision-Making for Sensor-Based Tool Condition MonitoringConclusionFAULT DIAGNOSIS OF HELICOPTER GEARBOXES; Kourosh DanaiIntroductionAbnormality ScalingThe Structure-Based Connectionist NetworkSensor Location SelectionA Case StudyConclusionVIBRATION SUPPRESSION AND MONITORING IN PRECISION MOTION SYSTEMS; K.K. Tan, T.H. Lee, K.Z. Tang, S. Huang, S.Y. Lim, W. Lin, and Y.P. LeowIntroductionMechanical Design to Minimize VibrationAdaptive Notch FilterReal-Time Vibration AnalyzerPractical Insights and Case StudyConclusionsVIBRATION AND SHOCK PROBLEMS OF CIVIL ENGINEERING STRUCTURES; Priyan Mendis and Tuan NgoIntroductionEarthquake-Induced Vibration of StructuresDynamic Effects of Wind Loading on StructuresVibrations Due to Fluid - Structure InteractionBlast Loading and Blast Effects on StructuresImpact LoadingFloor VibrationSEISMIC BASE ISOLATION AND VIBRATION CONTROL; Hirokazu Iemura, Sarvesh Kumar Jain, and Mulyo Harris PradonoIntroductionSeismic Base IsolationSeismic Vibration ControlSEISMIC RANDOM VIBRATION OF LONG-SPAN STRUCTURES; Jiahao Lin and Yahui ZhangIntroductionSeismic Random-Excitation FieldsPseudoexcitation Method for Structural Random Vibration AnalysisLong-Span Structures Subjected to Stationary Random Ground ExcitationsLong-Span Structures Subjected to Nonstationary Random Ground ExcitationsConclusionsSEISMIC QUALIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT; Clarence W. de SilvaIntroductionDistribution QualificationSeismic QualificationHUMAN RESPONSE TO VIBRATION; Clarence W. de SilvaIntroductionVibration Excitations on HumansHuman Response to VibrationRegulation of Human VibrationINDEXAUTORE
- Condizione: Nuovo
- ISBN: 9781420053197
- Collana: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Series
- Dimensioni: 10 x 7 in Ø 3.10 lb
- Formato: Copertina rigida
- Illustration Notes: 484 b/w images, 74 tables, 65 halftones and 500 equations
- Pagine Arabe: 696