- Genere: Libro
- Lingua: Inglese
- Editore: IHS BRE Press
- Pubblicazione: 08/2018
- Edizione: Edizione nuova, 2° edizione
Solar Shading of Buildings
littlefair p. j.
65,98 €
62,68 €
This report describes commonly used shading devices and some new developments. It gives the advantages and disadvantages of each kind of shading device. The guidance focuses on shading requirements in the UK and similar climates and latitudes.SOMMARIO
Executive Summary1 Introduction1.1 Why Shading?1.2 Examples2 Principles2.1 Movement of the Sun and Window Orientation2.2 Loss of Daylight2.3 View Out2.4 Fixed and Adjustable Shading3 External Shading3.1 Overhangs3.2 Light Shelves3.3 Awnings and Canopies3.4 Fixed and Moveable Louvres3.5 Other Shading Devices4 Glazing4.1 Standard Solar-control Glazing: Reflective and Absorbing4.2 Soft-coat Low-emissivity ‘Heat Mirror’ Glazing4.3 Reducing Window Area4.4 Window Films4.5 Other Glazing Types5 Mid-pane Devices5.1 Mid-pane Blinds5.2 Shading in Double-skinned Facades5.3 Other Mid-pane Shading Types6 Internal Shading6.1 Venetian Blinds6.2 Vertical Louvre Blinds6.3 Roller Blinds6.4 Curtains6.5 Other Internal Shading Devices7 Conclusions7.1 Notes to Table 158 ReferencesAppendix: Measuring and Calculating Shading PerformanceA.1 Measuring Solar GainA.2 Effect on DaylightA.3 Openness CoefficientA.4 Databases of Shading PerformanceA.5 Modelling PerformanceA.6 Life-cycle AssessmentAUTORE
Paul Littlefair, Principal Lighting Consultant, BRE, UKALTRE INFORMAZIONI
- Condizione: Nuovo
- ISBN: 9781848064744
- Dimensioni: 11.75 x 8.25 in Ø 0.60 lb
- Formato: Brossura
- Illustration Notes: 59 color images, 15 color tables and 12 color line drawings
- Pagine Arabe: 56