Sketches of an Elephant: A Topos Theory Compendium

434,98 €
413,23 €
Topos Theory is a subject that stands at the junction of geometry, mathematical logic and theoretical computer science, and it derives much of its power from the interplay of ideas drawn from these different areas. Because of this, an account of topos theory which approaches the subject from one particular direction can only hope to give a partial picture; the aim of this compendium is to present as comprehensive an account as possible of all the main approaches and thereby to demonstrate the overall unity of the subject. The material is organized in such a way that readers interested in following a particular line of approach may do so by starting at an appropriate point in the text.

A1 - Regular and Cartesian Closed CategoriesA2 - Toposes - Basic TheoryA3 - AllegoriesA4 - Geometric Morphisms - Basic TheoryB1 - Fibrations and Indexed CategoriesB2 - Internal and Locally Internal CategoriesB3 - Toposes over a baseB4 - BTop/S as a 2-Category

Dr P. T. Johnstone Reader in the Foundations of Mathematics Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics University of Cambridge Cambridge CB3 0BW

  • Condizione: Nuovo
  • ISBN: 9780198534259
  • Collana: Oxford Logic Guides
  • Dimensioni: 242 x 34.1 x 163 mm Ø 1018 gr
  • Formato: Copertina rigida
  • Pagine Arabe: 562