- Genere: Libro
- Lingua: Inglese
- Editore: River Publishers
- Pubblicazione: 01/2023
- Edizione: 1° edizione
Recent Developments in Automatic Control Systems
kondratenko yuriy p. (curatore); kuntsevich vsevolod m. (curatore); chikrii arkadii a. (curatore); gubarev vyacheslav f. (curatore)
129,98 €
123,48 €
This monograph provides an overview of the recent developments in modern control systems including new theoretical findings and successful examples of practical implementation of the control theory in different areas of industrial and special applications. Recent Developments in Automatic Control Systems consists of extended versions of selected papers presented at the XXVI International Conference on Automatic Control "Automation 2020" (October 13–15, 2020, Kyiv, Ukraine) which is the main Ukrainian Control Conference organized by the Ukrainian Association on Automatic Control (national member organization of IFAC) and the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute." This is the third monograph in the River Publishers series in Automation, Control and Robotics based on the selected papers of the Ukrainian Control Conferences "Automation," in particular, the first monograph Control Systems: Theory and Applications (2018) was published based on "Automation – 2017" and the second monograph Advanced Control Systems: Theory and Applications was based on "Automation – 2018." The monograph is divided into three main parts: (a) Advances in Theoretical Research of Control Systems; (b) Advances in Control Systems Application; (c) Recent Developments in Collaborative Automation. The chapters have been structured to provide an easy-to-follow introduction to the topics that are addressed, including the most relevant references, so that anyone interested in this field can get started in the area. This book may be useful for researchers and students who are interested in recent developments in modern control systems, robust adaptive systems, optimal control, fuzzy control, motion control, identification, modelling, differential games, evolutionary optimization, reliability control, security control, intelligent robotics and cyber–physical systems.SOMMARIO
Part I Advances in Theoretical Research of Control Systems 1. Control of Moving Object Groups in a Conflict Situation A. Chikrii 2. Applications of Variational Analysis to Controlled Sweeping Processes Boris S. Mordukhovich 3. Robust and Robustly-Adaptive Control of Some Noninvertible Memoryless Systems L. Zhiteckii and K. Solovchuk 4. Nonlinear Integral Inequalities and Differential Games of Avoiding Encounter L.P. Yugay 5. Principle of Time Dilation in Game Problems of Dynamics G.Ts. Chikrii 6. Method of Upper and Lower Resolving Functions for Pursuit Differential-difference Games with Pure Delay L.V. Baranovska 7. Adaptive Method for the Variational Inequality Problem Over the Set of Solutions of the Equilibrium Problem Y. Vedel, S. Denisov, and V. Semenov Part II Advances in Control Systems Application 8. Identification of Complex Systems in the Class of Linear Regression Models V. Gubarev, S. Melnychuk, and N. Salnikov 9. Fuzzy Systems Design: Optimal Selection of Linguistic Terms Number Oleksiy Kozlov et al. 10. Analysis of the Dynamics and Controllability of an Autonomous Mobile Robot with a Manipulator Ashhepkova Natalja, Zbrutsky Alexander, and Koshevoy Nicolay 11. Safe Navigation of an Autonomous Robot in Dynamic and Unknown Environments Yuriy P. Kondratenko, Arash Roshanineshat, and Dan Simon 12. Algorithmic Procedures Synthesis of Robust-Optimal Control for Moving Objects V. L. Timchenko, and D.O. Lebedev Part III Recent Developments in Collaborative Automation 13. Modeling of Cyber–Physical Systems Illya Holovatenko, and Andrii Pysarenko 14. Reliability Control of Technical Systems based on Canonical Decomposition of Random Sequences I. Atamanyuk, Y. Kondratenko, and M. Solesvik 15. Petunin Ellipsoids in Automatic Control Systems Design D.A. Klyushin, S.I. Lyashko, and A.A. Tymoshenko 16. On Real-Time Calculation of the Rejected Takeoff Distance V.I. Vyshenskyy, A.A. Belousov, and V.V. Kuleshyn 17. Automated Control Problem for Dynamic Processes Applied to Cryptocurrency in Financial Markets Viktor Romanenko, Yurii Miliavskyi, and Heorhii KantsedalAUTORE
Yuriy P. Kondratenko, Doctor of Science (habil.), Professor, Honour Inventor of Ukraine (2008), Corr. Academician of Royal European Academy of Doctors - Barcelona1914 (2000), Head of Intelligent Information Systems Department at Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Ukraine. He has received a Ph.D. (1983) and a Dr.Sc. (1994) in Computer and Control Systems from Odessa National Polytechnic University. He received several international grants and scholarships for conducting research at Institute of Automation of Chongqing University, P.R.China (1988-1989), Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany (2000, 2010), Nazareth College and Cleveland State University, USA (2003). In 2015 he received Fulbright grant for conducting research during 9 months in USA (Cleveland State University, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science). He is the regional coordinator of Tempus (Cabriolet) and Erasmus+ (Aliot) projects, principal researcher of several international research projects with Spain, Germany, P.R. of China et al. and author of more than 140 patents and 14 books (including edited monographs) published by Springer, River Publishers, World Scientific, Pergamon Press, Academic Verlag, etc. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the National Council of Ukraine on Development of Science and Technology, National Committee of Ukrainian Association on Automatic Control, as well as GAMM, DAAAM, AMSE UAPL and PBD-Honor Society of International Scholars, visiting lecture at the universities in Rochester, Cleveland, Kassel, Vladivostok and Warsaw. He is a member of Editorial Boards of such journals as Journal of Automation and Information Sciences, International Journal of Computing, Eastern European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, International Research and Review: Journal of Phi Beta Delta, Quantitative Methods ?n Economics and others. His research interests include intelligent decision support systems, automation, sensors and control systems, fuzzy logic, soft computing, modelling and simulation, robotics, elements and devices of computing systems. Vsevolod M. Kuntsevich, PhD (1959), D.Sci.(1965), Professor (1967), Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1992), Honorary Director of Space Research Institute of NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine. Honored Figure of Science and Technology of Ukraine (1999), laureate of the State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR (1978, 1991) and Ukraine (2000) in the field of science and technology, S. Lebedev Award (1987), V. Glushkov Award (1995), V. Mikhalevich Award (2003). Graduated from Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (1952). Worked at the Institute of Electrical Engineering (1958-63), Institute of Cybernetics (1963-96), Space Research Institute (from 1996). He enters in editorial staff of several journals such as Journal of Automation and Information Sciences, Cybernetics and Systems Analysis. The founder of the national school in the field of discrete control systems, he made a significant contribution to the development of modern theory of adaptive and robust control under uncertainty. The author of 8 books and over 250 articles. The Chairman of the National Committee of Ukrainian Association on Automatic Control (NMO of IFAC). Arkadii A. Chikrii, PhD (1972), D.Sci. (1979), Professor (1989), Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2018), Head of the department "Optimization of Controlled Processes" of the Institute of Cybernetics, NAS of Ukraine. Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology (1999), Glushkov Award (2003), Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of education (2018). After graduation from Ivan Franko Lviv University (1968) has been working at the Institute of Cybernetics. Professor of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Professor of Ihor Sykorski National Technical University, Professor of Yurij Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University. Editor-in-chief of the journal ""Problemy Upravleniya I Informatiki"" published in English in the USA under the title "Journal of Automation and Information Sciences" (since 2020). Specialist in the field of applied nonlinear analysis, theory of extremal problems, mathematical theory of control, theory of dynamic games, theory of search for moving objects, and computer technologies for analysis of conflict situations. The disciple and follower of L.S. Pontryagin, N.N. Krasovskii and B.N. Pshenichnyi. The author of 6 books and over 550 articles. Vyacheslav F. Gubarev, Doctor of Science (1992), Professor, Corresponding member National Academy of Science of Ukraine (2006), Professor of Mathematic Methods of System Analysis Department, Kiev National Technical University, Ukraine, Head of Control Department, Space Research Institute, National Academy of Science, Ukraine. He has received a Ph.D. (1971) and a Dr.Sc. (1992) in System Analysis and Automatic Control from Institute of Cybernetic National Academy of Science, Ukraine. He has taken part in severalALTRE INFORMAZIONI
- Condizione: Nuovo
- ISBN: 9788770226745
- Collana: River Publishers Series in Automation, Control and Robotics
- Dimensioni: 9.25 x 6.25 in Ø 2.36 lb
- Formato: Copertina rigida
- Illustration Notes: 88 b/w images, 22 color images, 20 tables, 26 halftones, 9 color halftones, 62 line drawings and 13 color line drawings
- Pagine Arabe: 452
- Pagine Romane: xxxviii