- Genere: Libro
- Lingua: Inglese
- Editore: Butterworth-Heinemann
- Pubblicazione: 07/2004
- Edizione: 1° edizione
People-Focused Knowledge Management
wiig karl
34,98 €
33,23 €
The business environment has changed. Sharper competition requires organizations to exhibit greater effectiveness in their operations and services and faster creation of new products and servicesall hallmarks of the knowledge economy. Up until now, most of the knowledge management literature has focused on technology, systems, or culture. This book moves to the next stage, to focus on the peoplethe knowledge workers themselves. Noted expert Karl Wiig synthesizes recent research findings in cognitive science and related fields to describe how people actually work. He focuses on how people learn, remember, make decisions, solve problems and actin general, how knowledge relates to work behavior. By understanding how people work, managers can improve effectiveness to gain competitive advantage. First book to connect cognitive science with knowledge management Karl Wiig has worldwide name recognition as thought leader Clearly written for professionals with charts and checklistsSOMMARIO
CONTENTS iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ixPREAMBLE xiFOREWORD xiiiCHAPTER 1 – COMPETING IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY REQUIRES EFFECTIVE ENTERPRISES 1Premise 1-1: The Global Economy Demands Excellence The Competitive Enterprise Example The Global Economy Challenge The World Requires Us to Change KNOWLEDGE INTENSIVE WORK The Misunderstanding of Knowledge-intensive WorkKnowledge-Intensity WORK IS BECOMING INCREASINGLY COMPLEX Complex Work Creates Greater Value THE SIX MAJOR CHALLENGES FOUR MANAGEMENT INITIATIVES Enterprise Effectiveness Requires Good Intellectual Capital Assets EXAMPLES OF STRUCTURAL INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL THE ROLE OF KNOWLEDGE WORKERS CHAPTER 2 – THE EFFECTIVE ENTERPRISE Premise 2-1: Individual Actions Lead to Overall Enterprise Performance Premise 2-2: Effective Enterprise Behavior Leads to Success The Proactive and Decisive Company Example Management Philosophy Management Choices Knowledge-Related Practices and Actions Resulting Behavioral and Cultural Traits The Company’s Business Results What Does It Mean for the Enterprise to Be Effective GOOD ENTERPRISE PERFORMANCE RESULTS FROM EFFECTIVE PERSONAL ACTIONS EFFECTIVE ENTERPRISES RELY ON BROAD AND DEEP KNOWLEDGE WHAT IS SUCCESSFUL ENTERPRISE PERFORMANCE? EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL ENTERPRISE EFFECTIVENESS SUCCESS AND KNOWLEDGE-INTENSIVE WORK THE IMPORTANCE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Productivity Is Not Always What We Expect! DIFFERENT KINDS OF PRODUCTIVITY VALUE CREATION AND PRODUCTIVITY A Systemic Model of Enterprise Performance CHANGING ENTERPRISE PERFORMANCE TAKES TIME Characteristics of the Effective Enterprise SIX SUCCESS FACTORS FOR THE EFFECTIVE ENTERPRISE 1. Management Philosophy and Practice 2. Deliberate and Systematic Knowledge Management 3. Knowledge and Other Resources 4. Motivation and Personal Energy 5. Opportunities 6. Permission SIX BEHAVIORS OF THE EFFECTIVE ENTERPRISE 1. Ethical, Safe and Approachable Behavior 2. Effectiveness-Seeking Behavior 3. Consistent and Durable Behavior 4. Employee Engagement Behavior 5. Stakeholder Supportive Behavior 6. Competitive Behavior Successful Performance Is Durable Performance Is a Function of Many Factors Acting Simultaneously The Intellectual Asset Management Mentality Building and Exploiting Intellectual Capital Assets Are Important People Adopt New Mindsets! CHAPTER 3 – ACTIONS ARE INITIATED BY KNOWLEDGEABLE PEOPLE: PEOPLE MAKE DECISIONS AND ACT USING DIFFERENT KINDS OF MENTAL FUNCTIONS Premise 3-1: The “Machinery of the Brain” Is a Useful Beginning Premise 3-2: The Mind-as-Machine Metaphor Does Not Cover Everything The Personal Reasoning Example Have We Misunderstood How People Think, Make Decisions and Act? THINKING, REASONING AND KNOWLEDGE Associations and Biases Govern Our Actions Information Is Not Knowledge! On Information, Knowledge and Discontinuity GOOD REASONING MATCHES KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION KNOWLEDGEABLE AND INFORMED DECISIONS DELIVER PERFORMANCE GOAL-DIRECTED REASONING RELIES ON GOALS, INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE Personal Knowledge Is Built from Mental Models ON MENTAL MODELS MANY MENTAL MODELS ARE BASED ON METAKNOWLEDGE The Importance of Metacognition The Importance of Implicit Learning The Personal and Enterprise Knowledge Evolution Cycle The Needs to Increase People’s Knowledge KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED TO ACT EFFECTIVELY Examples of Approaches to Develop Mental Models in People CHAPTER 4 – MENTAL AND STRUCTURAL REFERENCE MODELS Premise 1: People Imitate Prior Behavior Premise 2: Organizations Reenact Past Practices The Personal Memory Example Mental Model Preview Personal Reference Models Reference Models Are Stories! Why Are Stories Important? IT IS ALWAYS HARD TO GRASP THE WHOLE COHERENTLY STORIES ARE UNSURPASSED FOR EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION WE RELY ON STORIES TO TACKLE NEW PROBLEMS STORIES HELP US LEARN BETTER STORIES AND MENTAL SIMULATIONS Organizational Reference Models LEADERS CREATE POWERFUL REFERENCE MODELS CHAPTER 5 – A KNOWLEDGE MODEL FOR PERSONAL SITUATION-HANDLING Premise 5-1: Situation-Handling Requires Actions Premise 5-2: Good Situation-Handling Is the Result of Effective Actions Personal Situation-Handling: A Customer Service Example Introduction to Personal Situation-Handling THE GENERAL CONTEXT The Knowledge-Based Situation-Handling Model THE CUSTOMER SERVICE EXAMPLE REVISITED The Four Tasks of Situation-Handling SENSEMAKING AND SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Sensemaking Situational Awareness DECISION-MAKING/PROBLEM-SOLVING AND ACTION SPACE AND INNOVATION CAPABILITY Decision-Making Single-Stage and Multi-Stage Decision-Making Mental Simulations Problem-Solving Action-Space Innovation Capability IMPLEMENTATION AND EXECUTION CAPABILITY Implementation Execution Capability MONITORING AND GOVERNANCE COMPETENCE AND PERSPECTIVES Monitoring Governance Competence and Perspectives The Expert and the Novice: When Situations Are Not As First Believed Story-Based Reference Models Provide Situation-Handling Knowledge TOPIC DOMAIN KNOWLEDGE The Mental reference Models in Situation-Handling Understanding Adjacent Operations THE RELEVANCE OF GENERAL AND WORLD KNOWLEDGE CHAPTER 6 – ENTERPRISE SITUATION-HANDLING Proposition: Individual Situation-Handling ActionsLead to Consolidated Enterprise Behavior The Enterprise Situation-Handling Example The Situation Information Gathering Sensemaking Understanding the Situation Decision-Making/Problem-Solving and Action-Selection General Aspects Introduction to Enterprise Situation-Handling The Four Enterprise Situation-Handling Tasks SENSEMAKING AND SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Sensemaking in the Enterprise Enterprise Situational Awareness DECISION-MAKING/PROBLEM-SOLVING AND ACTION SPACE AND INNOVATION CAPABILITY Enterprise Decision-Making Enterprise Problem-Solving Enterprise Action Spaces Enterprise Innovation Capabilities IMPLEMENTATION AND EXECUTION CAPABILITY Implementation in the Enterprise Enterprise Execution Capability MONITORING AND GOVERNANCE COMPETENCE AND PERSPECTIVES Monitoring in the Enterprise Enterprise Governance Competence and Perspectives Enterprise Situation-Handling Has Many Levels The Importance of the Situation-Handling Model ENTERPRISE SITUATION-HANDLING MODEL INSIGHTS WHY SHOULD WE BE CONCERNED WITH DETAILS? Chapter 6 Appendix: Action Program Details of the Enterprise Situation-Handling Example CHAPTER 7 – PEOPLE-FOCUSED KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT IN DAILY OPERATIONS Premise 7-1: Knowledge Drives Enterprise Performance Premise 7-2: Knowledge Must Be Managed Premise 7-3: Effective Knowledge Management Must Be People-Focused Premise 7-4: Six Factors Determine Personal Knowledge-Related Effectiveness The Vigilant Knowledge Company Example New Generation Knowledge Management NEW GENERATION KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT IS DIFFERENT NEW OPPORTUNITIES REQUIRE NEW EFFORTS AND DIRECTIONS New Generation Knowledge Management Perspectives DELIBERATE AND SYSTEMATIC KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT New Generation Knowledge Management Foci The Bar Has Been Raised – NGKM Implications STARTING THE KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT PRACTICE Problems with Conventional Knowledge Management NEW GENERATION KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES Knowledge-Related Mentality and Corporate Culture THE ENTERPRISE CULTURE FOUR KEY KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT THRUSTS THE POWER OF ROLE MODELS, EXAMPLES AND PRACTICES Making Everybody Understand UNDERSTANDING THE ENTERPRISE DIRECTION AND CONTEXT THE SERVICE PARADIGM Knowledge-Related Effectiveness and Efficiency KNOWLEDGE EFFECTIVENESS AND EFFICIENCY Knowledge Effectiveness Knowledge Efficiency KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT EFFECTIVENESS AND EFFICIENCY Knowledge Management Effectiveness Knowledge Management Efficiency CHAPTER 8 – PEOPLE-FOCUSED KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT EXPECTATIONS Premise: People-Focused Knowledge management Supports Global Excellence The Global Leader Example What Future Knowledge Management Business User May Expect The Business Environment Is under Pressure SUCCESS RELIES UPON KNOWLEDGEABLE BEHAVIOR EXPECTED KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENTS THE CHANGING WORKPLACE Knowledge Will Be Bought and Sold Societal Side-EffecAUTORE
- Condizione: Nuovo
- ISBN: 9780750677776
- Collana: Butterworth-Heinemann
- Dimensioni: 9 x 6 in Ø 1.20 lb
- Formato: Brossura
- Illustration Notes: Illustrated
- Pagine Arabe: 392