sharland mike; cant andrew; davies e. graham; elliman david a. c.; esposito susanna; finn adam; gray jim; heath paul t.; lyall hermione; pollard andrew j.; ramsay mary e.; riordan andrew - manual of childhood infections
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Manual of Childhood Infections

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Now in its third edition, and endorsed by both the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health and the European Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, the Manual of Childhood Infections (known by its readers as The Blue Book) is a simple-to-use, evidence-based, and practical handbook on how to recognise, investigate and manage both common and rare infectious diseases in children and babies. The handbook is divided into two sections, the first of which is syndrome-based and covers all the key diagnosis and management features of common childhood infections, such as sepsis, meningitis, and pneumonia. The second section lists specific organisms, and provides all the key points in the epidemiology, clinical features, and management for all the key infections. Each chapter includes key references for further reading and suggestions for future research. Packed with helpful tips and practical guidance, including lists of alternative diagnoses and useful tables, the handbook also features a neonatal and paediatric formulary of around 100 of the commonest used antimicrobials based on the BNF for Children, but presented in a simple easy-to-use weight based dosing regimen. Common side effects and cautions are also included. The book is aimed at both junior trainees looking after ill children and more senior colleagues who want to check their management plans, and is written for both a UK and European audience, reflecting the range of clinical practice across Europe, while being clear where the evidence base is strongest.

1 - Antibiotics and resistance 2 - Antifungal drugs 3 - Antiparasitics 4 - Antivirals 5 - Bone and joint infections 6 - Cardiac infections: endocarditis 7 - Cardiac infections: myocarditis and pericarditis 8 - Central venous catheter infections 9 - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) 10 - Congenital infections 11 - Conjunctivitis 12 - Diarrhoea and vomiting 13 - Emerging and re-emerging infections 14 - Encephalitis 15 - Enlarged lymph nodes 16 - Haemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) 17 - Healthcare associated infections 18 - Hepatitis 19 - Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection 20 - Immunocompromised children with infection 21 - Infection control in community settings 22 - Intra-abdominal infections 23 - Invasive fungal infection 24 - Investigating the child with possible immunodeficiency 25 - Kawasaki disease 26 - Laboratory diagnosis of infection 27 - Lower respiratory tract infection 28 - Mastoiditis, quinsy and brain abscesses 29 - Meningitis 30 - Neonatal infection 31 - Ocular infections 32 - Periodic fever syndromes 33 - Pyrexia of unknown origin 34 - Rash - making a diagnosis 35 - Refugees and internationally adopted children 36 - Sepsis syndrome 37 - Sexually transmitted infections 38 - Skin and soft tissue infections 39 - Toxic shock syndrome 40 - Trauma, bites and burns 41 - Travelling abroad with children 42 - The unwell child returning from abroad 43 - Urinary tract infection 44 - Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (URTI) 45 - Zoonoses 46 - Adenoviruses 47 - Amoebiasis 48 - Anaerobic infections 49 - Arbovirus 50 - Ascariasis 51 - Aspergillosis 52 - Botulism 53 - Brucellosis 54 - Campylobacter 55 - Candidiasis 56 - Cat-scratch disease 57 - Chicken pox and Zoster 58 - Chlamydia 59 - Cholera 60 - Clostridium difficile 61 - Cryptosporidiosis 62 - Cytomegalovirus 63 - Diphtheria 64 - Enteroviruses and parechoviruses 65 - Epstein Barr virus 66 - Escherichia coli diarrhoea 67 - Giardiasis 68 - Gonococcal infection 69 - Gram negative bacteria 70 - Haemophilus influenzae 71 - Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) 72 - Head lice (Pediculosis) 73 - Helicobacter pylori 74 - Helminthiases 75 - Hepatitis B 76 - Hepatitis C 77 - Herpes Simplex Virus 1 + 2 78 - Human Herpes Viruses 6 + 7 79 - Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) 80 - Influenza and parainfluenza 81 - Legionella 82 - Leishmaniasis 83 - Listeriosis 84 - Lyme disease and other borrelioses 85 - Malaria 86 - Measles 87 - Meningococcal disease 88 - Molluscum contagiosum and other poxviruses 89 - Mumps 90 - Mycoplasma infections 91 - Non Tuberculous Mycobacterial (NTM) infection 92 - Norovirus 93 - Parvovirus 94 - Pertussis 95 - Plague 96 - Pneumocystis pneumonia 97 - Polio 98 - Rabies 99 - Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) 100 - Rotavirus 101 - Rubella 102 - Scabies 103 - Schistosomiasis 104 - Shigellosis 105 - Staphylococcal infections including MRSA 106 - Streptococcal infections 107 - Syphilis 108 - Tetanus 109 - Threadworm 110 - Tinea 111 - Toxacariasis 112 - Toxoplasmosis 113 - Tuberculosis 114 - Typhoid and paratyphoid (enteric) fevers 115 - Typhus 116 - Viral haemorrhagic fevers 117 - Yellow fever 118 - Yersiniosis

Mike Sharland has been a consultant in the Paediatric Infectious Diseases Unit at St George's Hospital for 15 years. He is a recognised expert in optimising antimicrobial use in children. He is a board member of ESPID, Chair of ESPID Research Committee, Previous Chair of ESPID Training Committee, and Chair of RCPCH Standing Committee on Infection and Immunisation and Chair of the UK Medicines for Children Research Network Allergy, Infection and Immunity Clinical Study Group. He is also the Joint Chair of the Pediatric European Network for Trials in Infection. Andrew Cant has served on the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID) education and training committees since 1999, representing ESPID at the Confédération Européenne des Spécialistes en Pédiatrie (CESP), developing Europe wide training programmes in paediatric infectious diseases and immunology that were recently ratified by the European Medical Union. He was elected President of ESPID, taking up office in May 2006. From 2000 to 2004 he was chairman of the bone marrow transplant working party of the European Society for Immunodeficiencies (ESID); collating and presenting data on our Europe wide results of BMT for immunodeficiency. He is currently chairman of the ESID educational working party. Graham Davies trained in medicine at Cambridge University and University College Hospital, London. His training in paediatrics, immunology and infectious diseases included an Action Research Training Fellowship at the Institute of Child Health. After a consultant appointment in paediatrics and infectious diseases at St Georges University of London, he took up his current position at Great Ormond Street Hospital/ Institute of Child Health in 1997. His research interests are in the diagnosis and management of immunodeficiency disorders. He leads a programme developing thymus transplantation and has chaired an intercollegiate working party on mother-to-child transmission of HIV. Until recently, he chaired the specialist advisory committee for training in paediatric immunology and infectious diseases. David Elliman has had a major interest in immunisation and infection control in the community for over 30 years. He has written and lectured widely on the topic, as well as spending time talking to parents. Some years ago he was co-author of a review of the characteristics of spread of a number of infectious diseases. More recently he was involved in a European Communicable Diseases Centre project to provide factsheets on infectious diseases for healthcare professionals and the public. Susanna Esposito is Director of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Unit at the Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy, where she is also Vice-Director of the Pediatric Department and Chief of the outpatient clinic for travel medicine. Her research has focused on respiratory tract infections, vaccines and preventive pediatrics. She is also chief of one of the pediatric HIV clinics at Regione Lombardia, and an associate professor in pediatrics at the Department of Maternal and Pediatric Sciences, Università degli Studi di Milano. Adam Finn is Head of the Academic Unit of Child Health at Bristol Medical School, Department of Clinical Science, South Bristol and an honorary consultant in paediatric infectious diseases and immunology at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children. He is director of the South West Medicines for Children Research Network and heads the Bristol Children's Vaccine Centre. His main research interests include mucosal immunology relating to bacterial vaccines, in particular pneumococcus and clinical trials of vaccines and medicines in children. Jim Gray has been a consultant medical microbiologist at Birmingham Children's and Women's Hospitals since 1985, where he has had a significant role in developing specialist paediatric and neonatal microbiology and infection control. His clinical interests include antibiotic prescribing, infection control and neonatal infections, while his research interests include Staphylococcus aureus (including MRSA) infections, group B streptococci, healthcare associated infections, diagnostic test accuracy studies and point of care testing. He has contributed to several national and international committees on microbiology and infection control. Paul Heath is Reader/ Honorary Consultant in Paediatric Infectious Diseases at St George's, University of London and Vaccine Institute in London. His training in paediatrics and infectious diseases was at the Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford and St George's Hospital, London. His particular research interests are in the epidemiology of vaccine preventable diseases, in clinical vaccine trials, particularly in at-risk groups, and in perinatal and neonatal infections. As an infectious diseases paediatrician, Hermione Lyall is particularly interested in viral infections and their interactions

  • Condizione: Nuovo
  • ISBN: 9780199573585
  • Collana: Oxford Specialist Handbooks in Paediatrics
  • Dimensioni: 180 x 29.5 x 152 mm Ø 430 gr
  • Formato: Brossura
  • Illustration Notes: 24 black and white line drawings and a 4-page colour plate section
  • Pagine Arabe: 912