Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining

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324,98 €
308,73 €
The international conference Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining IIS:IIPWM’05, organized in Gda?sk-Sobieszewo on 13–16th June, 2005, was a continuation of a long tradition of conferences on applications of Arti?cial Intelligence (AI) in Information Systems (IS), organized by the Institute of Computer Science of Polish Academy of Sciences in cooperation with other scienti?c and business institutions. The Institute itself is deeply engaged in research both in AI and IS and many scientists view it as a leading institution both in fundamental and - plied research in these areas in Poland. The originators of this conference series, Prof. M. D?browski and Dr. M. Michalewicz had in 1992 a long-term goal of bringing together scientists and industry of di?erent braches from Poland and abroad to achieve a creative synthesis. One can say that their dream has come to reality. Scientists from ?ve continents made their subm- sions to this conference. A brief look at the a?liations makes international cooperation visible. The research papers have either a motivation in c- crete applications or are o?-springs of some practical requests. This volume presents the best papers carefully chosen from a large set of submissions (about 45%). At this point we would like to express our thanks to the m- bers of Programme Committee for their excellent job. Also we are thankful to the organizers of the special sessions accompanying this conference: Jan Komorowski, Adam Przepiórkowski, Zbigniew W.

Regular Sessions: Knowledge Discovery and Exploration.- Feature Extraction by the SCoTLASS: An Illustrative Example.- Rule Induction for Click-Stream Analysis: Set Covering and Compositional Approach.- Family of Instance Reduction Algorithms Versus Other Approaches.- Minimum Spanning Trees Displaying Semantic Similarity.- Concept Description Vectors and the 20 Question Game.- Automatic Scripts Retrieval and Its Possibilities for Social Sciences Support Applications.- The Analysis of the Unlabeled Samples of the Iron Age Glass Data.- Discriminant versus Strong Rule Sets.- IDARM — Mining of Indirect Association Rules.- Building a Concept Hierarchy from a Distance Matrix.- Literal Trees and Resolution Technique.- Rough Classification Used for Learning Scenario Determination in Intelligent Learning System.- Rough Ethograms: Study of Intelligent System Behavior.- Automatic Knowledge Retrieval from the Web.- Knowledge Visualization Using Optimized General Logic Diagrams.- Efficient Processing of Frequent Itemset Queries Using a Collection of Materialized Views.- Regular Sessions: Computational Linguistics.- GramCat and GramEsp: two grammars for chunking.- Dynamic Perfect Hashing with Finite-State Automata.- Dictionary-Based Part-of-Speech Tagging of Polish.- Enhancing a Portuguese Text Classifier Using Part-of-Speech Tags.- A Neural Network Based Morphological Analyser of the Natural Language.- An Oracle Grammar-Rule Learning Based on Syntactic Knowledge.- Speech Interface for Internet Service “Yellow Pages”.- Automatic Information Classifier Using Rhetorical Structure Theory.- Rule-Based Medical Content Extraction and Classification.- A Rule-Based Tagger for Polish Based on Genetic Algorithm.- Regular Sessions: Search Engines.- On Some Clustering Algorithms for Document Maps Creation.- Filtering Web Documents for a Thematic Warehouse Case Study: eDot a Food Risk Data Warehouse (extended).- Data Merging in Life Science Data Integration Systems.- Approximation Quality of the RBS Ranking Algorithm.- Regular Sessions: Biologically Motivated Algorithms and Systems.- Effects of Versatile Crossover and Mutation Operators on Evolutionary Search in Partition and Permutation Problems.- Global Induction of Oblique Decision Trees: An Evolutionary Approach.- Nature-Inspired Algorithms for the TSP.- Graph-Based Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithm.- Regular Sessions: Statistical and Database Methods in AI.- Probability of Misclassification in Bayesian Hierarchical Classifier.- A study on Monte Carlo Gene Screening.- Spatial Telemetric Data Warehouse Balancing Algorithm in Oracle9i/Java Environment.- Comparison of Efficiency of Some Updating Schemes on Bayesian Networks.- Analysis of the Statistical Characteristics in Mining of Frequent Sequences.- PCA and ICA Methods for Prediction Results Enhancement.- Creating Reliable Database for Experiments on Extracting Emotions from Music.- Poster Session.- You Must Be Cautious While Looking For Patterns With Multiresponse Questionnaire Data.- Immunological Selection Mechanism in Agent-Based Evolutionary Computation.- Unfavorable Behavior Detection in Real World Systems Using the Multiagent System.- Intelligent Navigation in Documents Sets Comparative Study.- Assessing Information Heard on the Radio.- Belief Rules vs. Decision Rules: A Preliminary Appraisal of the Problem.- iMatch — A New Matchmaker For Large Scale Agent Applications.- Machine Learning and Statistical MAP Methods.- Autocovariance Based Weighting Strategy for Time Series Prediction with Weighted LS-SVM.- Workflow Mining Alpha Algorithm — A Complexity Study.- Recommendation Rules — a Data Mining Tool to Enhance Business-to-Customer Communication in Web Applications.- Feasibility Studies of Quality of Knowledge Mined from Multiple Secondary Sources.- Modern Metaheuristics for Function Optimization Problem.- Property Driven Mining in Workflow Logs.- Logical Design with Molecular Components.- A New Programming Interface for Reinforcement Learning Simulations.- Anomaly Detection System for Network Security: Immunity-based Approach.- Importance of TDS Attribute in Computer Assisted Classification of Melanocytic Skin Lesions.- A Rules-to-Trees Conversion in the Inductive Database System VINLEN.- Invited Session: Syntactic Parsing and Machine Learning.- Deep Parser for Free English Texts Based on Machine Learning with Limited Resources.- Baseline Experiments in the Extraction of Polish Valence Frames.- Invited Session: New Trends in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Uncertain, Nonstationary Spatio-Temporal Data.- Gene Expression Clustering: Dealing with the Missing Values.- Estimation the Rhythmic Salience of Sound with Association Rules and Neural Networks.- A Neuro-Fuzzy Classifier Based on Rough Sets.- Invited Session: Knowledge Base Systems.- Evolutionary Multi-Agent Model for Knowledge Acquisition.- Restricted Linear Information Systems.- The Concept of the Hierarchical Clustering Algorithms for Rules Based Systems.- Petri Net and Matrix Representation of Rule Knowledge Base for Verification Task.- Artificial Neural Networks in Incomplete Data Sets Processing.- Intelligent Data Processing in Distributed Internet Applications.- Invited Session: KDD and Facial Recognition.- Skyline with Presorting: Theory and Optimizations.- Faster Clustering with DBSCAN.- Innertron: New Methodology of Facial Recognition, Part I.- Innertron: New Methodology of Facial Recognition, Part II.- Approximating a Set of Approximate Inclusion Dependencies.- Invited Session: Recent Developments in Bioinformatics.- Informatic Approaches to Molecular Translation.- An Approach to Mining Data with Continuous Decision Values.- Soft Computing Approach to the Analysis of the Amino Acid Similarity Matrices.- Special Session: Artificial Immune Systems.- Computing with Idiotypic Networks.

  • Condizione: Nuovo
  • ISBN: 9783540250562
  • Collana: Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing
  • Dimensioni: 235 x 155 mm Ø 2150 gr
  • Formato: Brossura
  • Illustration Notes: XVI, 684 p.
  • Pagine Arabe: 684
  • Pagine Romane: xvi