george anne (curatore); oluwatobi oluwafemi samuel (curatore); joseph blessy (curatore) - holistic healthcare

Holistic Healthcare

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55,98 €
53,18 €
This new book focuses on recent trends in holistic medicine, the art of maintaining proper balance between one’s physical health and mental well-being. The books highlights the importance of maintaining a healthy life style for physical well-being and examines the advantages of using traditional medicine to combat multi-drug-resistance problems caused by modern-day antibiotics. It details the advantages of using holistic approaches to treat infectious diseases with relevant clinical data.

A Tour around the World’s Medical Systems Using Evidence-Based Medicine to Point out What Is the Best Medicine: Holistic Mind-Body Medicine Is Safest Most Effective for Most Clinical Conditions. African Traditional and Alternative Medicine Implementation in Primary Healthcare Systems in Africa: Bottlenecks and Prospects. Postures. Integrative Pharmacology: Interconnecting the World of Ayurveda (Traditional Indian Medicine – TIM), Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and Conventional Medicine (CM). Concept and Principles of Yoga. The Potential Bactericidal Properties of Some Plants Commonly Used in Ayurvedic Medicinal Practices of South India. Antibacterial Effect of Green Tea and Black Tea Extract against Selected Genera of Bacteria. In Vitro Anti-Platelet Aggregation Property of Heracleum candolleanum (Wight et Arn.) Gamble, A Promising Tribal Medicinal Plant from Western Ghats. Role of Medicinal Plants in Targeting Important Signaling Pathways in Cervical Cancer. Audio Visual Entertainment and Acupressure Therapy for Insomnia. A Review of Medicinal Plants Used in Cardioprotective Remedies in Traditional Medicine. Scope of Non-Invasive Surgery of Shushrut in Present Era with Special Reference to Keloids. Ayurveda and Reproductive Issues.

George, Anne | Oluwatobi, Oluwafemi Samuel | Joseph, Blessy|

  • Condizione: Nuovo
  • ISBN: 9781774636213
  • Dimensioni: 9 x 6 in Ø 1.20 lb
  • Formato: Brossura
  • Illustration Notes: 121 b/w images and 25 tables
  • Pagine Arabe: 276
  • Pagine Romane: xviii